We like some games that aren't meant for 2, necessarily. #Splendor #LordsOfWaterdeep #CastlesOfBurgundy. Also like #Blokus original and duel.
#Splendor #lordsofwaterdeep #castlesofburgundy #blokus
I’m always up for spontaneous board games. I ended up playing Quacks of Quedlinburg and Castles of Burgundy tonight.
#quacksofquedlinburg #castlesofburgundy #boardgames
Playing on #boardgamearena, #castlesofburgundy is quickly becoming one of my favorite games! It’s simple but involving strategy and it plays really smoothly. Love it. #boardgames
#boardgamearena #castlesofburgundy #boardgames
So we’ve played Something Wild (Mandalorian edition), Bohnanza and 6 Nimmt. We’ve chosen Castles of Burgundy and Carcassonne for this evening.
#BoardGames #Carcassonne #6Nimmt #CastlesOfBurgundy #Bohnanza #SomethingWild
#boardgames #carcassonne #6nimmt #castlesofburgundy #bohnanza #somethingwild
#boardgames night was more VagrantSong (🧵), but new to me was Castles of Tuscany, saquel to #CastlesOfBurgundy. The mechanical themes are the same -- draft tiles, place on matching color, extra actions and chaining combos -- but it plays faster and uses card draw instead of dice rolling as the draft restriction. I think I like it better due to speed (and also I won by 2). It's still subject to the same shuffle luck where a player might be advantaged by reveal order and there's no counter. 7.?/10
#boardgames #castlesofburgundy
#7BoardGames to get to know me
1. #CastlesOfBurgundy
2. #Hive
3. #LoveLetter
5. #CuBirds
6. #IsleOfCats
7. #Viticulture
#7boardgames #castlesofburgundy #hive #loveletter #quacksofquedlinburg #cubirds #isleofcats #viticulture