Texas attorney turned 2024 GOP candidate plans to 'unleash legal hell' on Trump
Texas tax law attorney and 2024 Republican presidential candidate John Anthony Castro took to social media Monday, September 4 to warn his opponent, ex-President Donald Trump of upcoming legal action against him over his role in the Jan. 6 attack, Newsweek reports.
"Happy Labor Day! About to unleash legal hell on @realDonaldTrump in what he thought was secure red states…
Tip for #Castro users, Castro on the Mac is a nice experience, unfortunately, it appears that your listening progress does not sink. Therefore, if you want to switch devices go to settings, user data, iCloud, and back up your data. Then on your other device, go to Castro, settings, user data, and restore from the current time that you’re backed up. I’m not aware, if user syncing is a premium feature. Or if this is a setting, that I haven't found yet, please, someone share!
Hey friends!! Anybody out there still using #Castro? I'm having an issue where my Castro inbox shows no new episodes, even though I know podcasts I'm subscribed to have published new episodes since last refresh.
Dentro del espacio delimitado por las murallas del #castro del #CaboTorres #Gijón #Asturias se encuentra la reproducción de esta cabaña de la máxima sencillez y fácil elaboración basado en modelos arquitectónicos autóctonos preexistentes, con planta circular, paredes de madera y barro sobre zócalo de piedra, enlucidas con arena y cubierta de paja.
#castro #cabotorres #gijon #asturias
#Earthquake (#sismo) M4.8 strikes 840 km W of #Castro (#Chile) 19 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1541688
#earthquake #sismo #castro #chile
i‘m experimenting moving from #castro to apple‘s podcast app in #ios17 but i feel like i won‘t be successful with that. how do i even access episode chapters? for a fraction of a second i definitely saw them as a collapsed list on top of the queue, when i tapped it, it was gone and it‘s hasn‘t shown up again since.
Oh wow, something’s going down on #Castro street near Market st. I walked by as everything was wrapping up, but there were all of the first responders
I do love me a #Saturday in #sfba, with jaunt to the #Castro, featuring two “construction workers” perched on an electric box (one in very tighty whities ) and the black #NakedDude (they come in all stripes), that dang VW Bus (with a tour group moving along at a pokey speed, phones a -gawking), and #BigDikeEnergy selling t-shirts outside #Cliff’s….
That’s my little corner of my town!
#saturday #sfba #castro #nakeddude #bigdikeenergy #cliff
Today in Labor History July 26, 1953: Fidel Castro led an unsuccessful attack on the Moncada Barracks, marking the beginning the Cuban Revolution. As a result of this attack, the movement became known as the 26th of July Movement.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #socialism #cuba #castro #moncada #Revolution
#workingclass #LaborHistory #socialism #cuba #castro #moncada #Revolution
Looking to add one or two #podcasts to my #podcast app.
I'm looking for music/DJ, tech, true crime, good (fantasy? sci-fi?) stories, D&D-related. Dutch or English is a requirement in terms of language.
I'm specifically looking for "open" podcasts, so not limited to a single platform. I need to be able to listen in the #Castro app.
Hit me up with your recommendations!
#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.3 strikes 61 km SW of #Castro (#Chile) 14 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1528254
#earthquake #sismo #castro #chile
#Earthquake (#sismo) M4.4 strikes 49 km SW of #Castro (#Chile) 4 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1527852
#earthquake #sismo #castro #chile
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Moms for Liberty Speaker Says It's Time to Start Re-Reading Hitler, Stalin, & Mao https://jezebel.com/moms-for-liberty-speaker-says-its-time-to-start-re-read-1850606573 #Jezebel #adolfhitlerinpopularculture #worldwariiinpopularculture #antisemitismingermany #momsforliberty #markrobinson #donaldtrump #josefstalin #adolfhitler #paigemiller #robinson #polpot #castro #mao
#jezebel #adolfhitlerinpopularculture #worldwariiinpopularculture #antisemitismingermany #MomsForLiberty #markrobinson #donaldtrump #JosefStalin #adolfhitler #paigemiller #Robinson #polpot #castro #mao
Please name the new club « Harvey’s Milk » as an hommage and please enforce the no bachelorette party rules.
We’ve lost Beaux and the Toadhall dancefloor to the Marina already…