At #lakechabot, part of the #ebrpd (East Bay Regional Park district) in SF-Bay area.
I don't know if the turtles were always at this area, or only after 3 month of heavy rain. I finally remembered to take my digital camera with a 10x zoom and snap some pictures.
This lovely man-made lake is on the edge of #castrovalley and #sanleandro and worth a visit. Free street parking can be a pain during busy times.
#northerca #nature #lake #sfbayarea #sanleandro #castrovalley #ebrpd #lakechabot
I don’t really have words for this. I live in the SF Bay Area and people naturally assume we’re lefty hippies. But alas no. In my town of #CastroValley we are quite red indeed. They may put up a good public front but behind closed doors we have some real assholes.
So yeah, even among people who wouldn’t think themselves insensitive or phobic there is #transphobia. It sickens me. And I am speaking out. If anyone here has something to share with them please respond and I’ll pass it along.