I come up with the most creative preset character template names lol #CataclysmDDA
Me: I found a way to consistently have the fire needed to boil my water and cook my food!
Other player: You set up an organized system of feeding firewood underneath a braizer?
Me: No, I just found some lava nearby my shelter 🙂 #Cataclysmdda
Local Woman Touches Computer, Is "Torn to Shreds" by Razor Robots says Local Zombies. #cataclysmdda #cataclysmdarkdaysahead
#cataclysmdda #cataclysmdarkdaysahead
It is Home of Phobic that my attempts to play as Umi from #LoveLive keep getting thwarted before I can even LOVE ARROW SHOOT any zombies lol #cataclysmdda
@Nouvanity #Barony, #Mindustry #BeyondAllReason, #CataclysmDDA, #Ryzom, #SuperTuxKart are some others cool #FOSS games on #Steam.
#foss #barony #mindustry #beyondallreason #cataclysmdda #ryzom #supertuxkart #steam
There is a nice official cataclysm: dark days ahead community on #lemmy at https://cdda.social/c/dda_discussion :blobcatadorable:
#lemmy #cdda #cataclysmdda #roguelike #redditmigration #gaming
I am having so much fun with the Sky Islands mod of Cataclysm DDA, it is such a simple but massive refocusing of the game onto what I find interesting.
In the last couple of raids I got stuck on the other side of a lake with no time but found a canoe last minute.. and frantically paddled to a powerboat, I went on a rampage with a road roller in a desperate attempt to punch through a dense city, and I climbed countless buildings and towers to peer ahead into the unknown.
Which should I use for my post apocalyptic wasteland ride?
- Security Van
- Road Roller
- Motorcycle
- Hippie Van
My kid enjoys #Undertale memes and fan art. A whole internet subculture I’m not part of. But then I realised I have my own equivalents. I love this fan artwork, I love how weird and quirky the uninitiated would find it, and I love the game it comes from, #CataclysmDDA
きょうの #CataclysmDDA では規模が小さい隣町を探索していた (大量のゾンビがごったがえしてた)銃砲店の中で武器がないか探してたら、ピストルかピストルの弾薬とかAKが見つかったのでまあ満足
きょうの #CataclysmDDA ではガソリンスタンドから30リットルくらいのガソリンを60リットルタンクに入れて、自宅まで持ち帰ってた(オイルランプの燃料とか火炎ビンの素材になるので価値が高い) ゲームだからいいけど、現実では真似しないほうがよさそうだな
#PCgaming #CataclysmDDA 穴の地形にゾンビを落とす戦法を今日も活用してたんだけど、崖際から「穴の中をのぞく」コマンドで中を見てみたら、おれが誘導して落とした大量のゾンビがまだ普通に生きてた ずっとここで暮らしててくれ
#PCgaming #CataclysmDDA 、高層アパート(といっても4階建てだが)の屋上に上ったら、遠くまで見渡すことができたので驚いた もっと早いうちに高い建物の上にのぼって、まわりの地形を確認すべきだったなあ
#CataclysmDDA , one of my favorite #zombie #games has been released for the first time after #COVID19 #pandemic ! :ablobaww:
👉Releases https://cataclysmdda.org/releases/
We are proud to announce that 0.G “Gaiman” stable release has arrived! Two years have passed since the release of the stable version 0.F “Frank”, two years of unprecedented turmoil in the real world that delayed our planned release of the next stable.
#cataclysmdda #zombie #games #covid19 #pandemic #game
After 113 amazing episodes, Rycon’s incredible #cataclysmdda #innawood #dinomod video series is finally over with a bang. Unbelievable quality and frankly better than the mods deserved, but it’s been a fun challenge to try and patch up the holes in the background to keep the ship from sinking. Missed it? It’s not to late to start. #youtube https://youtu.be/ZYlztcEXlOQ #storytelling #oss
#cataclysmdda #innawood #dinomod #youtube #storytelling #oss
I'll try chronologically too
- #SonicTheHedgehog 2 (only sega genesis one)
- #Jak3
- #Black
- #GodOfWar 2 (ps2 one)
- #Okami
- #Penumbra
- #RiseOfNations
- #DwarfFortress
- #TeeWorlds
- #CataclysmDDA
#cataclysmdda #teeworlds #dwarffortress #riseofnations #penumbra #okami #godofwar #black #jak3 #sonicthehedgehog #tengamestoknowme
сьогодні маю вибір:
- накидати чернетку допису про збирання freenove hexapod robot (наразі на етапі збирання ніг, розвага триває лише по суботах, тому це надовго);
- перепрошити «марсохід» makeblock, щоби перевірити, чи проблема з рухом не програмна;
- почитати (і позвітувати трохи в щоденнику) крутезну «the nature of code» денієла шифмана, і погратися з прикладами на processing;
- або просто розслабитися, пограти в #cataclysmdda і переглянути серію «for the whole mankind»?
кляті ці питання…
I realize no one here follows me for #opensource #gamedev stuff, but I am pleased to share that I have successfully rebuilt the old #UndeadPeople tileset so that the most basic maintenance can be done. It’s still mostly a dead project and the fine people at #CataclysmDDA are hard at work making MSX+ a worthy replacement, but for now we have a less broken stopgap https://github.com/Theawesomeboophis/UndeadPeopleTileset
#opensource #gamedev #undeadpeople #cataclysmdda