"#Weather bureau #PAGASA had warned that the country may experience even warmer days ahead. PAGASA said that a heat index of 44°C was recorded in #Catarman, #NorthernSamar and #Virac, #Catanduanes and 43°C at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (#NAIA) on Saturday."
#Schools may shift to #RemoteLearning during extreme heat – #DEPED | #ExtremeWeather #HeatWave #TootSEA #ClimateCrisis
#climatecrisis #tootsea #heatwave #extremeweather #deped #remotelearning #schools #naia #catanduanes #Virac #northernsamar #catarman #pagasa #weather
There's not a single @inaturalist observation from my Momma's hometown of #Bagamanoc #Catanduanes #Philippines.
That's going to change!
Looking forward to seeing family, and logging as many #iNaturalist observations as possible. Hoping my Filipino fam, especially the kids, might enjoy using iNat, too.
#bagamanoc #catanduanes #philippines #inaturalist