Soothe Them With Nature, anytime. - Stress Care at Way of Cats
I’m glad I can soothe them with nature. There are times and places when a cat finds it is most needed.
Like that point of winter which hints at spring.
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A cat can only communicate with a fellow creature who they think are capable of such communication.
Likewise, humans who do not realize they can communicate with their cat will continue trying counter-productive training measures.
What is letting the cat get away with things? - the Way of Cats
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catart #budbudthespud #catappreciator #dearpammy
Cat of Destiny? Sometimes, it seems that way. When Mr WayofCats asked me to find him a new cat, I knew what he meant.
He had been adored by Olwyn for thirteen years. Once he was ready, I knew he wanted another Heart Cat.
It’s not that I got him one. It’s that it only took two tries.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catart #missmorgenmagic #catappreciator
Heart Cats feel particularly close, that's all. They revel in it, wish to enjoy such an exclusive bond, and are pleased when their human feels the same way. But there's no forcing it; this is a chemistry situation.
My Heart Cats were never jealous of each other, or resentful there was another one in the household.
What is the special relationship of Heart Cat? - the Way of Cats
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catart #thedivinequeen #catappreciator
The quest for Heart Cat is a form of True Love. And so, while we can search, we must also be found.
This mutual celebration of each other comes from sheer chemistry. Figuring out how it works is far more art than science.
The quest for Heart Cat can't be planned, only sought. - the Way of Cats
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catart #Tortitude #catappreciator #truelove
Playing rope with Rhiannon one-handed. Here's what turned out to be in focus.
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Rhiannon still loves her first favorite toy, Cylindrical Chicken.
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#CatsOfMastodon #cats #catstodon #catlife #catart #thedivinequeen #catappreciator
Hey if you own a cat I recommend you follow (here on mastodon!); PHENOMENAL cat advice. As good as, if not better, than Jackson Galaxy, in my opinion.
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