BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
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The criminalisation of environmental protest
Getting arrested while “standing in the way of the destructive machinery.”

"Activists involved in the protest that saved the Franklin River say the environmental win would not have been possible under today's anti-protest laws."

"In New South Wales, laws have been introduced which penalise protesters who block major with jail time for two years and a fine of $22,000.

The Centre claims “the laws are part of a "worrying trend" over the past decade in .”

"The right to speak up publicly and draw attention to a cause … is an essential component of our

#roads #humanrights #law #australia #democracy #activism #directaction #laws #nsw #logging #catastrophiccimatebreakdown #climate #transition #zeroemissions #un #rightstofreedomofpeacefulassembly #amnestyinternational

Last updated 1 year ago