The superintendent and one of the spinners, #CatawbaCottonMills, #Newton, #N.C. Others smaller still. Ten boys and girls this size and smaller out of a force of 40 employees. Location: #Newton, #NorthCarolina.
#catawbacottonmills #newton #n #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
It seems a pity that some of the spinning frames are so large that the children cannot operate them. #CatawbaCottonMills. Location: #Newton, #NorthCarolina.
#catawbacottonmills #newton #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Some of the larger spinners in #CatawbaCottonMills, #Newton, #N.C. Location: #Newton, #NorthCarolina.
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#catawbacottonmills #newton #n #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor