I feel like there are a a very small number of GOP in the house that never learned that just because you “want” something, doesn’t mean you “get” something.
They’re holding out until Dad buys them ice cream for breakfast and trying to justify it by saying “Dad never let us have ice cream for breakfast before, so we’re going to hold our breath until he does or Mom gets tired of hearing us cry”
#uspolitics #speakerofthehouse #catawompouslychawed
Experiencing joy at Kevin McCarthy’s humiliation is petty and childish. If you are feeling that way, you should be embarrassed that people are witnessing it.
Luckily, it’s just me and the dogs right now and they don’t judge me as long as I have cheese.
#uspol #speakerofthehouse #catawompouslychawed
I am a fanatical adherent of the small but growing movement to bring back the term #CatawompouslyChawed. See my recent boost for explanation.
Unfortunately this silly “job” thing has kept me too busy to follow along with the speaker vote today.
As far as I can tell though, a group of 20 extremists are demanding they have their way, despite being out of touch with the majority of DEM and GOP voters.
So instead of moving forward with the business of the people, these 20 will hold congress hostage until they get their way or they force the election of the Dem party leader.
That right?
#SpeakerOfTheHouse should be #CatawompouslyChawed
#speakerofthehouse #catawompouslychawed
Will today be the day that McCarthy gets Catawompously Chawed Up by the Trumplicans?
Join Team Catawampus 😄 - use the hashtag:
#catawompouslychawed #speakerofthehouse #mccarthy #politics #uspolitics
@CurlygirlCaro @nonproductive @jmsdnns @jbf1755 I imagine this was McCarthy before Tuesday. Wonder how he feels now? Like the catawompus chawed him?
“I never thought the Freedom Caucus would have #CatawompouslyChawed my face” sobs congressman who supported “The freedom caucus #CatawompouslyChawed peoples faces party”
#catawompouslychawed is, I say, a phrase you must endeavor to employ in your discourse forthwith.
@nonproductive @EarthOne @somcak @CurlygirlCaro @jbf1755 Or, maybe there's still time as we count to 134! #catawompouslyChawed
Also, I really like the sound of #catawompouslyChawed! Just say it out loud! #catawompouslyChawed you *just know* it's bad!
@jbf1755 @CurlygirlCaro @nonproductive @somcak @EarthOne Me, as I hope they get to 134 #catawompouslyChawed
Some context: the Republicans, after 3 votes, could not solidify support for anyone for #SpeakerOfTheHouse today. No legislative business can be done until this happens. The last time 3+ votes had to happen was just before the Civil War!
This is how fractured the party is. It's foreshadowing how the next 2 years will be with them in charge of the House. There is very little MSM talking about this fracturing & how momentous it is. #catawompouslyChawed
#catawompouslychawed #speakerofthehouse
What a clusterfuck! Could you imagine the headlines and breathless ranting if it was the Dems?
#SpeakerOfTheHouse #catawompouslyChawed
#gopmafia #catawompouslychawed #speakerofthehouse
@nonproductive @CurlygirlCaro @EarthOne @jmsdnns @jbf1755 I'll do it! The Re-thugs deserve to have this phrase fastened to them! #SpeakerOfTheHouse #catawompouslyChawed
#catawompouslychawed #speakerofthehouse
In other news, the US only has 83% of a government right now. Like they used to say 1856, that's "catawompously chawed up!"
#catawompouslychawed #speakerofthehouse
@nonproductive @EarthOne @jmsdnns
Kevin McCarthy was clearly #catawompouslyChawed today. It remains to be seen if he will fare any better tomorrow, or if the #GOP will continue with this #malarkey
#catawompouslychawed #gop #malarkey