Catch-22 by Joseph Heller - The classic anti-war novel, Heller artfully uses structure & viewpoint to create a sense of how unsettled his characters are. It's a stark deconstruction of the heroic war narrative, with swipes at capitalism & bureaucracy. The chapter focused on Milo's mad business feels darkly prescient of how capitalism has evolved in the decades since. Read if you haven't already.
#readingthread #bookstodon #catch22 #war
Nu zie ik al een paar keer die afschuwelijke afbeelding van Thierry B. voorbij komen.
Lastig dilemma wel: je wil je afschuw uiten en er afstand van nemen, maar dat kan niet zonder te benoemen/tonen waar het over gaat.
Media doen dat - en sommige expres voor de views, maar wij mensen werken daar onbedoeld aan mee (overigens zijn 'media' natuurlijk voor een groot deel ook de mensen die content maken en verspreiden)
#catch22 #stopfascisme #platformnoplatform
“In an emergency, break glass to exit through the window.”
“The window is toughened glass. How can I break it?”
“No problem, use the break hammer!”
“Great! Where’s the break hammer?”
“Behind a window of toughened glass.”
I feel like something went wrong here. #catch22 (Found on a London bus)
"Each person appearing in Canterbury Crown Court on 28 June had fled Sudan, where conflict has been raging for several years, recently reaching new levels of horror.
"There is no entry clearance visa these people could have applied for, from outside the UK, in order to enter the country and claim asylum. But in order to lodge an asylum claim, they must be in the UK. It’s a Catch-22."
#migration #asylum #uk #sudan #catch22 #visa
@SocraticEthics Reading the article, I understand the danger lies in the fact if the #russians restart the plant and THEN blow up the #Zaporizhzhia power plant.
But that also minimizes the risk they will do so; first restart and then attack the plant would directly point the finger to #Russia and NOT #Ukraine as the Russians want to suggest. Seems like a #Catch22 to me.
#catch22 #ukraine #russia #Zaporizhzhia #russians
Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung umstellen, wenn dein aktueller zweiter Faktor, das Smartphone, nicht funktioniert. Ein Teufelskreis oder #catch22
With this #costofliving crisis I need to bring more money in but I’m scared. I’m not able to stay afloat financially right now. I have #cyclothymia and so my #mentalhealth can deteriorate to the point where I can’t do anything… at the moment I’m stable and happy, but if I push for a promotion and bag a tougher job with longer hours it might push me over the edge… again. #Catch22 😢
#catch22 #mentalhealth #cyclothymia #costofliving
Also waking up to the news that #AlanArkin has died...
Despite his later works, he will always be Yossarian to me 🎥
#Catch22 (movie and book) were formative experiences for me
#alanarkin #catch22 #bookstodon #movies
$2.00 on a $0.50 charge = 400% = #usury. Could not hold off paying and risk jeopardizing our guy's grade/credit for summer school (he's in m.s. for another year, so we'd pay it next academic year for sure), and the system allowed him to run a 50-cent deficit in the last week of the school year — I wasn't going to put more money (> $0.50) in the account for the outside vendor who manages the billing system for the school district's meal program to earn the interest. 😡 🤯
The "real test" of #modis visit to the #unitedstates is the #outcome of these "turf wars" between #local and #global #firms.
This is a #catch22 situation. #india needs #foreigninvestment, but not at the #cost of #homegrown #oligarchs, who are also on the "right" side of the ruling dispensation.
How the #modigovernment untangles this "gordian knot" remains to be seen. Much like the #adani #hindenburg #saga, which our #media framed in #nationalistic terms.
#modis #UnitedStates #outcome #local #global #firms #catch22 #india #foreigninvestment #cost #Homegrown #oligarchs #modigovernment #adani #hindenburg #saga #media #nationalistic
#Bales2023FilmChallenge June 14 - Army in Film
Catch-22 (1970)
Here's a drawing of Alan Arkin as Yossarian for today's prompt!
#Catch22 #FilmMastodon #Art #CineMastodon
#bales2023filmchallenge #catch22 #FilmMastodon #art #cinemastodon
Robert Gottlieb, literary editor whose brilliant career was launched with Joseph Heller’s #Catch22 and continued for decades with such Pulitzer Prize-winning classics as Toni Morrison’s “Beloved” and Robert Caro’s “The Power Broker,” has died at age 92. #press