Seriously Holden, you're a douchecanoe and deserve to get your ass kicked. You want to talk about "phony"? Just look in the mirror, buddy.
#catcherintherye #blameasongbookorshowcharacter #HashtagGames
"Ist es nicht schön, wie wir untergehn' an den Ufern der alten Tagträumer-Seen..."
That line is still wedged in my brain after nearly 30 years. Today, I definitely understand WHY I love that line but I am wondering. How did a twelve-year-old understand that line without 'understanding' it?
It's kinda how 40yo me only about now realises what 15yo actually loved about the #CatcherInTheRye
@raccoonformality @bookstodon I know it's one of the classics, I know people who love it more than any other, but I could never understand what people saw in that book.
I'm more of a 'To Kill A Mocking Bird' fan!
#catcherintherye #tokillamockingbird
@kristianeleigh @BohemianPeasant @bookstodon
#CatcherinTheRye was that book for me.
Assigned in sophomore year english, I couldn't read it because it was so disrespectful of the author's father. It hit me totally the wrong way, even though I was a rebellious anti-war acid head, & my dad was an old guard FDR Democrat who proudly displayed a photograph of himself shaking hands with Lyndon Johnson. I was raised to respect my dad!
Entitled, nasty narrators suck.
I’m re-reading some old books and just finished #CatcherInTheRye. Loved it as a teen but appreciate it so much more as an adult. I used to identify with Holden, which I’m now mortified to admit; we were both troubled and depressed. As an adult, I see so much more going on than just a wild adventure in NYC. He ended up getting help. It took me a long time to work through my issues. #Reading
Initial testing with #deepai seems encouraging but I need to research more that I can roll my own.
There are limits to #paid that I might need to go over at some point.
Possibly, after getting this going having it as a learning set for a new #machinelearning model but looking forward to see what more there can be.
Here is paragraph 1, page 1 of Catcher of the Rye for #deepai
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#catcherintherye #books #machinelearning #ml #visualaudiobook
#deepai #paid #machinelearning #catcherintherye #books #ml #visualaudiobook
When I was about 15 I read Catcher in the Rye and thought it was one of the most amazing books I'd ever read. I read it again after 20 years and now I think its awful. I went from loving and identifying with Holden to absolutely despising him. Is it because Im older and more ordered in my life, my dreams replaced by realities? #books #catcherintherye