#7FilmsToKnowMe ... actually #14FilmsToKnowMe
#AsterixtheGaul #AstérixleGaulois 1967
#OddsandEvens #Pariedispari #Ésmegintdühbejövünk 1978
#VforVendetta 2005
#MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail 1975
#BicentennialMan 1999
#TreasurePlanet 2002
#TheAddamsFamily 1991 1993
#TheMatrix 1999
#MeninBlack 1997
#BacktotheFuture 1985 1989 1990
#AIArtificialIntelligence 2001
#CatCity #Macskafogó 1986
#AceVentura 1995
#LiloandStitch 2002
100+ destilled faw, 50+ must have. And 14? 7!? in here? this is nonsense ...
#7filmstoknowme #14filmstoknowme #asterixthegaul #asterixlegaulois #oddsandevens #pariedispari #esmegintduhbejovunk #vforvendetta #montypythonandtheholygrail #bicentennialman #treasureplanet #theaddamsfamily #thematrix #meninblack #backtothefuture #aiartificialintelligence #catcity #macskafogo #aceventura #liloandstitch
Our closest coffee in Cathedral City is Starbucks. It’s not as nice as Starbucks in Noë Valley in SF. And not as nice as Koffi in Palm Springs. Suggestions? #cathedralcity #catcity #koffi
#cathedralcity #catcity #koffi