@wjmaggos Catholics believe that the law does have moral force. It is wrong to break the law, though there are situations in which it is more wrong to follow it, in which case it is no longer morally binding.
#catechism #catholic #church #law #authority
"By reason of their special vocation it belongs to the laity to seek the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to God's will.... It pertains to them in a special way so to illuminate and order all temporal things with which they are closely associated that these may always be effected and grow according to Christ and maybe to the glory of the Creator and Redeemer." CCC 898; Lumen Gentium 31 #CatechismInAYear #CIY #Catechism #Catholic
#catechisminayear #ciy #catechism #catholic
The Massive Damage Done by #SundaySchool and #Catechism
#christianity #atheism #abuse
#sundayschool #catechism #christianity #atheism #abuse
This one's easy. Utilize the #Catechism and adopt the #embryos. #IVF then is necessary to protect life. No need to eliminate the procedure.
#Catholic #RomanCatholic #reproductiverights #reproductivejustice #reproductivehestory#ethics #healthcareethics
#healthcareethics #reproductivehestory #reproductivejustice #reproductiverights #romancatholic #catholic #ivf #Embryos #catechism
We would like to apologize for our previous post which described our website as a "marketplace of ideas," a concept from #pluralism which has roots in #liberalism.
All of our writers are fully committed to eliminating liberalism in the coming integralist utopia.
As it says in the #catechism, there is no “polite, David French-ian third way around the cultural civil war.”
#pluralism #liberalism #catechism
Learning about Saint Vincent of Saragossa He is my first choice for my adult Confirmation name. https://www.stvincentscathedral.org/st-vincent-of-saragossa #rcia #catholic #catechism #class
#rcia #catholic #catechism #class