One should not forget, that the so called #GenderStudies and its foundation presumes already the enlightenment idea of #control, classify, #categorize and #regulate as a transhistorical truth, as Butler said: "inevitable regulation".
For me that sounds like: This is no anarchist problem/theory.
Here the anarchists are way more with reality. According Butler and predecessing thinkers they should have long time stoped using the word women.
For anarchist that doesn't matter, since we have no need for a precise limiting definition to what the word women shell mean.
"Aber möglicherweise ist das Problem noch gravierender: Stellt nicht die Konstruktion der Kategorie »Frau(en)« als kohärentes‚ festes Subjekt eine unvermeidliche Regulierung und Verdinglichung der Geschlechterbeziehungen (gender relations) dar?" - #JudithButler, Das unbehagen der Geschlächter
"But perhaps the problem is even more serious: does not the construction of the category "woman(s)" as a coherent' fixed subject represent an inevitable regulation and reification of gender relations?"
#genderstudies #control #categorize #regulate #judithbutler
Recruitment taxonomies and the power of similarity search | Taxonomy Boot Camp London on June 21
The process of recruitment has long benefitted from the use of taxonomies to categorise, filter and organise information in job advertisements and CVs. Dave Clarke and Sarah Downs will discuss how taxonomies, automatic classification and innovative search techniques can help match the right people to the right jobs.
#taxonomy #ontology #categorize