Eine gemusterte Katze schmiegt sich an einen dunklen Teppich. Ihre Augen leuchten, weil sie das Licht reflektieren. #cat #gatti #gatto #katze #caturday #chat #chatte #eye #glow #light #reflect #katzenauge #cateye #auge
#Auge #cateye #katzenauge #reflect #light #glow #eye #chatte #chat #caturday #katze #gatto #gatti #cat
My gosh this cute little bundle of razor blades on #caturday I just can't. I can attest them nails are razor sharp and my hand still burns a bit haha. She's learning though for being an abandoned stray outside my brother's place (not my cat, his but oh so cute!).
Remember while favorites a good boost this post so everyone sees this cuteness!
#toeBeans and other #cute shots included. #catsOfMasto #catsday #cats #catBladed #handPain #badDecisions #nails #catEye #cat
#caturday #toebeans #cute #catsofmasto #catsday #cats #catbladed #handpain #baddecisions #nails #cateye #cat
My gosh this cute little bundle of razor blades on #caturday I just can't. I can attest them nails are razor sharp and my hand still burns a bit haha. She's learning though for being an abandoned stray outside my brother's place (not my cat, his but oh so cute!).
#toeBeans and other #cute shots included. #catsOfMasto #catsday #cats #catBladed #handPain #badDecisions #nails #catEye #cat
#caturday #toebeans #cute #catsofmasto #catsday #cats #catbladed #handpain #baddecisions #nails #cateye #cat