What better way to celebrate #Caturday than cozying up with a bunch of ebooks featuring... Cats!
This pay-what-you-can bundle ends in a few days and benefits The AbleGamers Foundation. Check it out while you still can: https://storybundle.com/cats
#caturday #cats #fiction #ebooks #catfiction #ablegamers
Cats practice a certain kind of justice in the world. lols. Ok, well ok, in my mind a kind of fantastical justice. This is a bit of fantastical noir fiction, but I loved reassuring myself with the concept.
#flashfiction #catfiction #caturday
Hey, so that bundle containing my kitty horror story WHAT THE CAT BROUGHT BACK is available for sale! $2.99 for 9 kitty short stories. I'm reading through my contributor's copy and am really enjoying it!
Zon: https://amzn.to/2OfVagQ
Elsewhere: https://bundlerabbit.com/b/cat-tales-issue-2
#fiction #IndieAuthors #IndiePublishing #Cat #CatFiction #ShortStories #Writing #BundleRabbit #Bundles #FictionBundles #ReadMyStuff #horror
#horror #readmystuff #fictionbundles #bundles #bundlerabbit #writing #shortstories #catfiction #cat #indiepublishing #indieauthors #fiction
My kitty horror story WHAT THE CAT BROUGHT BACK is in a bundle now with some other great writers and stories! Pay $2.99, get 9 stories starring kitties! They're not all scary. Find out more about the stories and preorder here:
Whoo! My first bundle! 🤪
#fiction #IndieAuthors #IndiePublishing #Cat #CatFiction #ShortStories #Writing #BundleRabbit #ReadMyStuff #horror
#horror #readmystuff #bundlerabbit #writing #shortstories #catfiction #cat #indiepublishing #indieauthors #fiction