@Uilebheist thanks for looking, I should have done that first! The crusade against the #Cathars just attached itself to my mind for some reason! Perhaps a bike tour around medieval Toulouse one day!
I will now advocate which I don't do that often.
#TheHistoryOfTheCrusades podcast https://crusadespod.com/
Is one of the top two podcasts I've ever heard. I've paid for #Sharyn s work for years and love every second of it. She takes you through ALL of the crusades, the European christian crusades, the crusades against the #Cathars, the #Baltic crusades and the #Reconquista. But then she takes you to more obscure areas like the #Hussites where #JanZizka confronts violent #Adamite #Nudists.
#thehistoryofthecrusades #sharyn #cathars #baltic #reconquista #hussites #janzizka #adamite #nudists #love
Cathars, Catholics and Waldensians
A look at the The #Cathar View of the Roman Catholic Church and the The Roman Catholic View of the Cathar Church, dealing in detail with Catholic Propaganda and specificall with propaganda concerning #Blasphemy, #Marriage, #Incest, #Homosexuality, #Bestiality, #Contraception, Sexual Equality, Other Sex Crimes, #Vegetarianism, The Natural Order, and #Suicide.
#cathar #blasphemy #marriage #incest #homosexuality #bestiality #contraception #vegetarianism #suicide #medieval #cathars #catholics #waldensians