Watching The of Inisherin for a second time, after seeing (An Cailín Ciúin), I was struck by certain tragic parallels between the protagonist of the latter and Dominic, the policeman's son (played by ), from the former.

I wrote up my thoughts in the following essay, an appeal to bring nurture where needed:


#banshees #thequietgirl #barrykeoghan #martinmcdonagh #colmbairead #colinfarrell #brendangleeson #kerrycondon #catherineclinch #cinema #oscars #ireland

Last updated 2 years ago

Olga Noguera 📽️ · @hormiga0326
112 followers · 92 posts · Server

"Many's the person missed the opportunity to say nothing, and lost much because of it" The quiet girl. An Cailín Ciúin. 2022.

#thequiegirl #catherineclinch #childhood #carriecrowley #family #love #andrewbennett #cinema #mastocinema #irishlanguagefilm #movies

Last updated 2 years ago