This week's Story Hour was a study in harmonious contrasts! Daria Lavelle read a harrowing but touching story about infertility in a time of AI, and Catherine Lundoff brought us a good ol' monster story in Northern Minnesota. You can still watch! Oh yah, you betcha! #StoryHour2020 #StoryHour #ShortStories #AuthorReading #DariaLavelle #CatherineLundoff
#StoryHour2020 #StoryHour #shortstories #authorreading #darialavelle #catherinelundoff
Book Releases on a Budget #NetworkingandSelf-Promotion #TheBusinessofWriting #CatherineLundoff #BuildingaCareer #SFWABlog
#networkingandself #thebusinessofwriting #catherinelundoff #buildingacareer #sfwablog
Good for Your Career? Evaluating Events for Writers #TheBusinessofWriting #CatherineLundoff #BuildingaCareer #SFWABlog
#thebusinessofwriting #catherinelundoff #buildingacareer #sfwablog