🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Maurice Ravel, André Laplante & Catherine Robbin:
🎵 Cinq melodies populaires grecques [5 popular Greek Songs]
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #mauriceravel #andrelaplante #catherinerobbin
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Michael McMahon, Catherine Robbin & Robert Schumann:
🎵 5 Gedichte der Konigin Maria Stuart (5 Poems of Queen Mary Stuart), Op 135
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #michaelmcmahon #catherinerobbin
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Maurice Ravel, André Laplante & Catherine Robbin:
🎵 Cinq melodies populaires grecques [5 popular Greek Songs]
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #mauriceravel #andrelaplante #catherinerobbin
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Stephen Ralls, Moore, Thomas, Catherine Robbin & Henri Duparc:
🎵 Elegie - for voice and piano (1874)
#StephenRalls #Moore #Thomas #CatherineRobbin #HenriDuparc
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#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #StephenRalls #moore #thomas #catherinerobbin #HenriDuparc
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Maurice Ravel, André Laplante & Catherine Robbin:
🎵 Cinq melodies populaires grecques [5 popular Greek Songs]
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #mauriceravel #andrelaplante #catherinerobbin