Kotaku: AI Forgeries Are Messing With The Sci-Fi World https://kotaku.com/ai-chatbot-chatgpt-chatsonic-openai-science-fiction-1850137326 #gaming #tech #kotaku #computationalneuroscience #entertainment2cculture #artificialintelligence #academicdisciplines #catherynnemvalente #creativityclarke #elizabethbear #clarkesworld #cybernetics #neilclarke #technology #peterwatts #eyeclarke #articles #amazon #kindle
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #computationalneuroscience #entertainment2cculture #artificialintelligence #academicdisciplines #catherynnemvalente #creativityclarke #elizabethbear #clarkesworld #cybernetics #neilclarke #technology #peterwatts #eyeclarke #articles #amazon #kindle
Hell yes!
"It doesn’t matter who owns them. Because we own ourselves and our words and the minute the jackals arrive is the same minute we put down the first new chairs in the next oasis. We make our place when we’re together. We make our magic when we connect, typing hands to typing hands...
Stop buying things and start talking to each other. They’ve always known that was how they lose."
"Stop talking to each other and start buying things. Stop providing content for free and start paying us for the privilege. Stop shining sunlight on horrors and start advocating for more of them. Stop making communities and start weaponizing misinformation to benefit your betters."
#CatherynneMValente, 2022
#catherynnemvalente #socialmedia
The Past is Red (2021) von Catherynne M. Valente. Bitte glaubt mir als großer Leibnizianerin, dass der Candide-Vergleich auf dem Cover absolut angemessen ist. Eine gnadenlos optimistische Endzeitsatire über die letzten Menschen auf einer treibenden Müllinsel, erzählt von der meistgehassten Person der Welt. Tetleys gelassener Blick auf ihr furchtbares Schicksal vermittelt eine Form radikaler Dankbarkeit für die kleinsten Dinge, die ich 2022 dringend brauchte.
#thepastisred #catherynnemvalente
The Past is Red (2021) by Catherynne M. Valente. Voltaire's Candide is indeed a suitable point of comparison for this satirical novella and as a huge Leibniz fan I don't say this lightly. A hilariously optimistic rapport of the end times when the last humans live on an island of floating garbage. Narrated by Tetley, the most hated person on the island, it teaches a form of radical grattitude which I desperately needed in 2022.
#ThePastIsRed #CatherynneMValente #HeikeLovesLists #BestBooks2022
#thepastisred #catherynnemvalente #heikeloveslists #bestbooks2022
@coelliptic "Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things" is an excellent take on that.
(NB: the title is sardonic / sarcastic in the extreme.)
I saw an article in my dad’s morning newspaper about Prodigy. And I obviously wanted to read it immediately because I already felt this was an important, powerful thing that I loved. This ability to talk to other people and connect with them without cruelty or judgment.
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34101694
By Catherynne M. Valente (@catvalente)
@Tayhatmaker @annaleen @pluralistic
#CatherynneMValente #StopTalkingToEachOther #StartBuyingThings #SocialMedia #Prodigy
#catherynnemvalente #stoptalkingtoeachother #startbuyingthings #socialmedia #prodigy
Writers, and readers, I hope you'll say hello to the wonderful @catvalente who not only authored one of my favourite #middlegrade books ever (The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making), but also writes adult #scifi, short stories, etc, including the wonderfully bonkers #SpaceOpera...love that tagline.
Anyway, she's on #Mastodon so give her a big wave.
#CatherynneMValente #SFF #WritingCommunity #fantasy @bookstodon
#Fantasy #writingcommunity #sff #catherynnemvalente #Mastodon #spaceopera #SciFi #middlegrade
Writers, and readers, I hope you'll say hello to the wonderful @catvalente who not only authored one of my favourite #middlegrade books ever (The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making), but also writes adult #scifi, short stories, etc, including the wonderfully bonkers #SpaceOpera...love that tagline.
Anyway, she's on #Mastodon so give her a big wave.
#CatherynneMValente #SFF #WritingCommunity #fantasy @bookstodon
#Fantasy #writingcommunity #sff #catherynnemvalente #Mastodon #spaceopera #SciFi #middlegrade
@catvalente so helping people rebuild their networks is hard and their's no machine algorithm and no easy way to find people. E.g. if I was interested in the writer #CatherynneMValente or #CatherynneValente or even #CatValente then I'd have _no_ way of finding their profile without a # leading there which is a shame because not everyone is going to Google https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherynne_M._Valente when a name sounds familiar and the profile is blank and https://www.catherynnemvalente.com/ doesn't have a tag.
#catherynnemvalente #catherynnevalente #catvalente
Among my ever shifting list of favorites.
#catherynnemvalente #michaelchabon #beckychambers #AmalElMohtar #samjmiller