This is going to make packing a challenge today
#CatsOfMastodon #RussianBlue #catinthebox
hello, i'm luka! this is my horror games account. anything that i share will include appropriate CWs. however, discretion is still advised because, y'know, THE HORRORS! :blobcatknife:
favorite (mostly) games: #CatInTheBox, #TheEndlessEmpty, #HelloCharlotte, #HollowKnight, #OffMortisGhost, #OMORI, #Petscop, #ProjectKat, #SilentHill1 / #SilentHill2 / #SilentHill3, #TheWaltenFiles, #WeKnowTheDevil, #Yomawari, #YumeNikki (and its many fangames)
feel free to say hi!
#introduction #catinthebox #theendlessempty #hellocharlotte #hollowknight #offmortisghost #omori #petscop #projectkat #silenthill1 #silenthill2 #silenthill3 #thewaltenfiles #weknowthedevil #yomawari #yumenikki
Schon ist wieder #caturday đ»
#CatInTheBox #CatsOfMastodon #Samstag
Schönes Wochenende euch!
#caturday #catinthebox #catsofmastodon #samstag
Bevor es im Laufe des Tages noch einen Halbzeitstand gibt, lösen wir mal noch das gestrige RÀtsel auf. Gesucht war #CatintheBox aka Cat in the Box - ein Stichspiel
hello, i'm luka! this is my horror gaming side-account (main: anything i share will include appropriate content warnings, but discretion is still advised in following this account because, y'know, THE HORRORS!
some of my favorite games include #catinthebox, #dap, #darq, #theendlessempty, #hellocharlotte, #offmortisghost, #petscop (shhh it counts), #silenthill (1-3 only), #weknowthedevil, #yomawari, and #yumenikki (and its many fangames).
feel free to say hello!
#introduction #catinthebox #dap #darq #theendlessempty #hellocharlotte #offmortisghost #petscop #silenthill #weknowthedevil #yomawari #yumenikki