I hunted n caught a katydid bug! Hope I don't barf up my dinner 😼#TabbyCat #Stevie #CatsOfMastodon #CatioLife
#catiolife #catsofmastodon #stevie #tabbycat
#Today is the first time I was able to use my #Catio cat flap all by myself AND the first time #Stevie didn't harass me. #CatsOfMastodon #CatioLife #TuxieGirl #Betty
#betty #tuxiegirl #catiolife #catsofmastodon #stevie #catio #today
I pounce on thee! #TuxieGirl #Betty #CatioLife #CatsOfMastodon #Monday
#monday #catsofmastodon #catiolife #betty #tuxiegirl
I'm a mighty hunter! #TabbyCat #Stevie #CatsOfMastodon #CatioLife
#catiolife #catsofmastodon #stevie #tabbycat
#Caturday is for cat napping in the Catio kitty cubbies. #CatioLife #TabbyCat #Stevie #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #stevie #tabbycat #catiolife #caturday
#Today is #FriYay 😺 I'm making myself comfortable out in the #Catio this morning. Still working on learning how to use the cat flap. I'm able to use it, but don't like it still. It's weird. I don't get how it has to be pushed with my head or nose. #CatioLife #Catting #CatsofMastodon
#catsofmastodon #catting #catiolife #catio #friyay #today
#TuxieGirl #Betty I'm liking my new #Catio attraction! #CatsOfMastodon #Catting #CatioLife I ❤️love this thing! Thanks Cat Daddy!
#catiolife #catting #catsofmastodon #catio #betty #tuxiegirl
#TabbyCat #Stevie Why ya gotta make me work so hard for my treats? #CatioLife
Yeaaahhh. Nope. 😹 Not trusting the swinging tunnel with portals over the water fountain thing!
#CatioLife #TabbyCat #Stevie #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #stevie #tabbycat #catiolife
#ZSHQ #ZombiePatrol That black girl cat 🐈⬛ from up the street is back here in the hunt. Also, the 24/7 gardener from up the way is out too. His beds n borders are beautiful. Today he has his buddy Dylan 🐶dog with him. She's full of energy! Saw the🐶 Yorkie pup from the block over too. #TabbyCat #Stevie #CatsOfMastodon #CatioLife
#catiolife #catsofmastodon #stevie #tabbycat #zombiepatrol #ZSHQ
#ZSHQ #ZombiePatrol That black girl cat 🐈⬛ from up the street is back here in the hunt. Also, the 24/7 gardener from up the way is out too. His beds n borders are beautiful. Today he has his buddy Dylan 🐶dog with him. She's a total spaz. Saw the🐶 Yorkie pup from the block over too. #TabbyCat #Stevie #CatsOfMastodon #CatioLife
#catiolife #catsofmastodon #stevie #tabbycat #zombiepatrol #ZSHQ
#ZSHQ #ZombiePatrol Mom staff told me about birbs. About 6 of them out there. #Today is the first time I really stalk them on my #Catio. Mostly I spend my time mad foraging for food. But I'm starting to like watching the wildlife out here. #CatioLife #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #catiolife #catio #today #zombiepatrol #ZSHQ
#Midwest #HeatWave Waddya 🐈MEAN the #Catio is closed? 🙀 I don't care that it's 104° with 32% humidity. I wanna go OUT! #TabbyCat #Stevie #CatioLife #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #catiolife #stevie #tabbycat #catio #heatwave #midwest
#Midwest #HeatWave continues with high humidity & temps over 100° for more than 10 days. Energy bills are going to be skyhigh for many. At Our House 🏠 window coverings are completely closed, the #Catio closes at noon, fans are on, fresh water in all the bowls, oven and stove are closed. And still, we burn 🔥🥵 #CatsOfMastodon #TabbyCat #Stevie #TuxieGirl #Betty #CatioLife
#catiolife #betty #tuxiegirl #stevie #tabbycat #catsofmastodon #catio #heatwave #midwest
#TabbyCat #Stevie 🐈What is #TuxieGirl 🐈⬛#Betty doing in my #Catio? She better not be messing it up, I can tell ya that! #CatioLife #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #catiolife #catio #betty #tuxiegirl #stevie #tabbycat
#FriYay #Cat #TabbyCat #CatsOfMastodon #CatioLife
What is she 🐈⬛ doing in my territory? Hey! These birds are my #CatTV! Leave them alone. #StevieTheCat 🐈
#steviethecat #cattv #catiolife #catsofmastodon #tabbycat #cat #friyay
#CatsOfMastodon #CatioLife Ok, so the fountain grass made us puke 🤮. Dad's gonna have to move these pots cuz they're too heavy for mom to move. For now they are covered with towels. Bummer. #SafetyFirst Always check toxicity of plants and even if a plant isn't toxic it may still cause vomiting 🤮.
#safetyfirst #catiolife #catsofmastodon
I found the fountain grass out in the #Catio! #TuxieGirl #Betty #CatioLife # #CatsOfMastodon #Catting
#catting #catsofmastodon #catiolife #betty #tuxiegirl #catio
Lookit what mom staff got us for the Catio! 😺Some purple fountain grass! #CatioLife #TabbyCat #CatsOfMastodon #Catting
#catting #catsofmastodon #tabbycat #catiolife
#CatioLife at night. Guess what just happened? I hunted 🪲 a bug! I ate it too. 😸 I'm starting to like the Catio! #CatsOfMastodon #TuxieGirl #Betty
#betty #tuxiegirl #catsofmastodon #catiolife