Edgar: the catflap is locked
Me: yes...? Time for bed, Edgat
Edgar: *jumps on TV cabinet* how might do you value this things
Me: Edgar, no
Edgar: hmm...*squeezes round behind the tv*
Me: Edgar, no!
Edgar: *pokes head out other side*
Me: Edgar, no! You're too big!
Edgar: *slips around the tv* now, about that catflap...
Catlike v2023.02.03 (Lexaloffle Pico-8) (Game)
#Catlike #D3V #Game #P8 #Pico-8 #Pico8
Catlike by D3V is a turn-based strategy game for PICO-8.
Your mission in this game is to get the magic milk that is placed on the top of the mysterious, dark mansion. Press 'arrow' keys to move, bump into the chests and cardboards to open them. Your enemies have different abilities, so be cautious around ...
#pico8 #pico #p8 #game #d3v #catlike