For people interested in #USPolitics this episode of #Cato Daily Podcast is pretty short and informative.
Briefly, it looks at the evolving divide among #conservatives / #Republican party members and notably how the more #Trump aligned side has come to focus on politics primarily as a tool for attacking enemies, not building anything up.
This is important for a few reasons, both to understand them so as to figure out how to react to them AND as a way of predicting how things will work out, since that approach has little traction in the broader public.
Trump was elected by a coalition of different groups with vastly different, often contradictory interests. This evolution utterly breaks the coalition, though.
#uspolitics #conservatives #cato #republican #trump #politicalscience
#cato #trump #TrumpIndictment #georgia #georgiaindictment the Cato institute believes Trump will be convicted.
#cato #trump #trumpindictment #georgia #georgiaindictment
CharlesKoch, Gründer des radikallibertären #Cato Institute + heimlicher Einflüsterer der #fdp:
#KochIndustries wird in 3 Top100-"Hitlisten" der Firmen geführt, die am meisten
☠️ zum Klimawandel,
☠️ zur Luftverschmutzung + ☠️ zur Wasserverschmutzung beitragen.
"Es existiert ein internationales Netzwerk mit dem Ziel, ...Klimaschutz so weit wie möglich zu verhindern.
Frank Schäffler (FDP)+ seine Verbündeten,die das #Gebäudeenergiegesetz...zu Fall brachten, stecken mittendrin."
#cato #fdp #kochindustries #gebaudeenergiegesetz
These MAGA Republicans are determined to expand the failed drug war: report
Critics of the War on Drugs are found all over the political spectrum, from Black Lives Matter to the libertarian Cato Institute and former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas). And those critics cite a long list of reasons why it has been an abysmal failure, including mass incarceration, the militarization of police and innocent victims killed during botched no-knock drug raids.
These MAGA Republicans are determined to expand the failed drug war: report
Critics of the War on Drugs are found all over the political spectrum, from Black Lives Matter to the libertarian Cato Institute and former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas). And those critics cite a long list of reasons why it has been an abysmal failure, including mass incarceration, the militarization of police and innocent victims killed during botched no-knock drug raids.
Kotaku: News Of A Whopping 77 'Wholesome Games' Just Dropped, But We Think You'll Love These 26 #gaming #tech #kotaku #sangeantabletopportableaudiodevice #puzzlevideogames #grimoiregroves #creativeworks #tovejansson #videogames #halfhead #karmazoo #games #cato #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #sangeantabletopportableaudiodevice #puzzlevideogames #grimoiregroves #creativeworks #tovejansson #videogames #halfhead #karmazoo #games #cato #rpg
According to a #Cato survey, 3 in 10 Americans under 30 favor installing government #surveillance cameras in homes. Socialist indoctrination is working.
Die #CATO Beta 0.10 inklusive Kapitel 9 ist jetzt verfügbar!
Die genauen Änderungen könnt ihr hier nachlesen:
#beta #gamedev #indiedev #german #RPGMakerXP #rpg #RPGMaker #update #free #kostenlos #indie #indiegame #gaming #gamedevelopment #deutsch
#cato #beta #gamedev #indiedev #german #rpgmakerxp #rpg #rpgmaker #update #free #kostenlos #indie #indiegame #gaming #gamedevelopment #deutsch
In Kapitel 9 von #CATO wird ein neues Gameplay Element eingeführt:
Steine verschieben, wie man es aus anderen Spiel wie z.B. #Pokemon kennt
Ich arbeite im Moment an der Beta 0.10 die noch in diesem Frühjahr erscheinen soll.
Die aktuelle Version kann hier heruntergeladen werden:
#gamedev #indiedev #RPGMakerXP #rmxp #demo #beta #deutsch #german #ndie #rpg
#cato #pokemon #gamedev #indiedev #rpgmakerxp #rmxp #demo #beta #deutsch #german #ndie #rpg
Wie die #FickDenPlaneten-Partei von #ChistianLindner wissentlich von #Klimaleugner n und rechten Geldgebern unterwandert wurde. Wer kann sowas wählen? #FDP. Aber dann ist die Politik ja klar. Raus aus der Regierung mit diesen A....n.
Von #Cato, #ExxonMobile, #HeartlandInstitute, #Kochbrothers #Eike, #HolgerThuss, und vielem mehr. Alles verantwortungslose, gewissenlose Gesellen.
#spreadtheword #streisandthis!
Danke, #Anstalt, danke @ZDF @clausvonwagner #MaxUthoff
#FickDenPlaneten #ChistianLindner #klimaleugner #fdp #cato #ExxonMobile #heartlandinstitute #kochbrothers #eike #holgerthuss #spreadtheword #streisandthis #anstalt #maxuthoff
It's down to the final 4 in the Protectioist Madness bracket at #cato. I suspect the Jones Act will win.
Cute Brown Cat enjoying
#cartoon #cat #Catanddog #catanddogcartoon #catanddogfunnyvideos #catanddogtxt #catandmouse #catangrysound #catawaz #catcartoon #catdance #catgames #catmeowing #catsong #Catsound #catvideos #catvoice #cato #catsmeowing #neko #ハバナブラウン
#ハバナブラウン #neko #catsmeowing #cato #catvoice #catvideos #catsound #catsong #catmeowing #catgames #catdance #catcartoon #catawaz #catangrysound #catandmouse #catanddogtxt #catanddogfunnyvideos #catanddogcartoon #catanddog #cat #cartoon
I recommend reading this 1983 Cato/Heritage document, "Achieving a Leninist Strategy"
It outlines how to privatize Social Security (convince the public it is "going broke") but I see it as a basis for their entire attack on democracy. Convince the public democratic government doesn't work.
You see this strategy everywhere. The Palestine train derailment is a great example.
#Republicans #Leninist #Cato #Heritage #democracy #privatization
#republicans #leninist #cato #heritage #democracy #privatization
This is why:
1. You go to FAR to test and launch your experimental motors
2. FAR has bunkers
#rocketry #cato #rapidunscheduleddisassembly
#Catting #CatsOfMastodon #Cats It was dark n dreary today but I still went out to my #Cato. I found a new string toy that mom hung up for me. There was also a new, comfy warming pad for my bum too! 🐈♥️
#cato #cats #catsofmastodon #catting