RT @CatoInstitute
The Jones Act is best understood as a form of self‐sabotage that disrupts domestic commerce and imposes higher costs on American businesses and consumers. https://bit.ly/3nuDNPj #CatoTrade #EndTheJonesAct
RT @CatoTrade
"Buy American rules cost a lot, deliver little, undermine government objectives, and produce a litany of other distortions," @scottlincicome writes: https://bit.ly/3KogYWG
RT @CatoInstitute
Contrary to conventional wisdom, the United States is not some sort of libertarian, free trade utopia.
#protectionistmadness #catotrade
RT @CatoTrade@twitter.com
The iPhone is a testament to the value of global supply chains and the mostly frictionless world in which they operate, thanks to advancements in technology & trade liberalization, @scottlincicome@twitter.com & @AlfredCObregon@twitter.com write. https://bit.ly/3ROX0F1
#CatoTrade (Graphic: Statista)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CatoTrade/status/1617968978994888716
RT @CatoInstitute
The Dominican Republic has imported close to 100% of its fuel from the U.S. since 2019. In contrast, the U.S. mainland only accounted for 4.1% of Puerto Rico’s total propane imports in 2021.
The reason? The Jones Act. https://fal.cn/3viXY #CatoTrade #EndTheJonesAct
RT @CatoTrade@twitter.com
President Biden has repeatedly trumpeted his efforts to insert Buy American mandates into major pieces of legislation. But transportation agencies from numerous states are asking for broad waivers from said mandates, @scottlincicome@twitter.com reports: https://bit.ly/3iWpXCD
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CatoTrade/status/1616126600025718787
RT @CatoInstitute
Lifting Jones Act shipping restrictions would encourage the shipment of fuel to New England and reduce the possibility of an energy shortage this winter. https://bit.ly/3FV6ZWo #CatoTrade #EndTheJonesAct.
RT @CatoTrade@twitter.com
"The economic, political, and moral case for free trade is as strong today as it was when Adam Smith penned 'The Wealth of Nations' almost 250 years ago," write @scottlincicome@twitter.com & @AlfredCObregon@twitter.com: https://bit.ly/3Eo68vh
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CatoTrade/status/1613952281845665796
RT @CatoTrade
The infant formula crisis provided an unfortunate real‐world lesson:
A protectionism-driven onshoring of global supply chains can heighten the nation's vulnerability by inhibiting natural market adjustments to economic shocks.
A #CatoTrade thread 🧵 ...
RT @CatoTrade@twitter.com
The iPhone is a testament to the value of global supply chains and the mostly frictionless world in which they operate, thanks to advancements in technology & trade liberalization, @scottlincicome@twitter.com & @AlfredCObregon@twitter.com write. https://bit.ly/3ROX0F1
#CatoTrade (Graphic: Statista)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CatoTrade/status/1611890491699625988
RT @CatoTrade@twitter.com
1980s voluntary export restraints on Japanese cars cost as much as $6 billion (~$16.5 billion in 2022 USD) in 1984 alone and did little to enhance the competitiveness & financial sustainability of the U.S. auto industry, @scottlincicome@twitter.com writes: https://bit.ly/3VjAxBH
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CatoTrade/status/1595108112742031360
"It's not every day..."
then get better at your jobs
RT @CatoInstitute
It’s not every day you find a government document calling for @CatoInstitute employees to be charged with treason...
It seems we’ve touched a nerve.
A #CatoTrade 🧵...
Fediverse's top ten most used hashtags (current week)
Checked servers: 2880
Total hashtags: 826
(hashtag / uses / users / servers)
#abyss_fun / 3430 / 117 / 40
#nowplaying / 1058 / 204 / 111
#Bot / 636 / 12 / 6
#shindanmaker / 614 / 401 / 65
#np / 533 / 9 / 27
#nsfw / 340 / 40 / 33
#gochisou_photo / 174 / 174 / 52
#frfr / 143 / 108 / 38
#2020年あなたの今年の漢字 / 140 / 140 / 28
#catotrade / 111 / 18 / 3
#abyss_fun #nowplaying #bot #shindanmaker #np #nsfw #gochisou_photo #frfr #2020年あなたの今年の漢字 #catotrade