I’ve gone up to bed but unfortunately I’m having to go back down again because you know who is out carousing. #catpest #cats #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon Yeah, him:
#catpest #cats #catstodon #catsofmastodon
The #catpest is capable of remembering that suitcases mean that someone is going to be away for a while, but not that the person has been and already come back again.
#InRelatedNews, he has been sitting in my suitcase while I unpack it, with a haunted expression on his face.
#caturday. He stayed out late last night, according to the village cat-sitter. #catpest #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon
#caturday #catpest #catstodon #catsofmastodon
Came downstairs to feed the #catpest and let him out and got ambushed by Giovanni (coffee machine) and Hestia (toaster) and haven't got any further. Had a really bad week's sleep so cancelled my volunteering day but then got asked if I could do Sunday instead so agreed to that. I actually think Sunday is a good day to volunteer because I bloody hate Sundays here: mostly lousy weather and only thing to do is a long walk.
Good morning everyone. It's raining, for a change. The #catpest has gone out. I am on the sofa with a cup of tea, trying to muster enthusiasm for a shower and hairwash. Then I'm going to do some sewing. What are your plans for today?
Apparently it’s #WhiskersWedneday Here are a fine set of whiskers, attached to a #catpest. #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon
#WhiskersWedneday #catpest #catstodon #catsofmastodon
What are your plans for today? Mainly a question for people in the UK, many of whom have a day off work.
I'm retired so every day is a day off work.
Except housework, of course. There's that, including the #catpest's litter tray which is strangely pungent this morning.
It’s #caturday! Comes round so fast. #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #catpest
#caturday #catstodon #catsofmastodon #catpest
Have just mowed the lawn. In related news, the #catpest can't have move when his tail is at stake.
For #TongueOutTuesday, the #catpest, rolling about on MY bed, making his toilette. #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #cats
#tongueouttuesday #catpest #catstodon #catsofmastodon #cats
It’s #Caturday, and the #catpest will be supervising the setting up of our village show. Meanwhile, here’s a photo from this week. He is no longer allowed on the bed, you know. #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon is
#caturday #catpest #catstodon #catsofmastodon
Just had that thing when you put your elbow on the sofa and it lands on a cat's head. The #catpest and I are at outs. He wants me to feed him 2.5 hours early and he will then go out the back door. I want him to go out the front door NOW.
He's got the upper paw, though, cos I have to empty the litter tray.
The #catpest (yes, him) wants to go out via the front door, so he is nagging. The back door is open, and he can go out that way, but no. He wants me to get up and open the FRONT door. #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon
#catpest #catstodon #catsofmastodon
Also for #InternationalCatDay, here is Charlie, the best cat who ever lived. Charlie was the original #catpest. He was 17 when I took this photo. #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon
#internationalcatday #catpest #catstodon #catsofmastodon
It has just come to my attention that it's #InternationalCatDay so here's a cat. Not my usual #Catpest, but a former one. His name was Percy, or in full, Percy The Beautiful because he was. #CatsOfMastodon #catstodon
#internationalcatday #catpest #catsofmastodon #catstodon
@ThetaSigma The #catpest is banned from my bedroom following a short and bloody (my blood) territorial dispute one evening.
I've just worked out why Schrödinger used a cat for his analogy.
It's because the cat wanted to be both inside and outside of the box at the same time, because OF COURSE it did, it was a cat.
#InRelatedNews, I have just let the #catpest out into the garden and back in again 15 seconds later.
#inrelatednews #catpest #catsofmastodon #catstodon #cats
The eye of the cat bed. #catpest #CatsOfMastodon #catstodon
#catpest #catsofmastodon #catstodon
Weather dries up. #Catpest goes out. Within ten minutes it's raining buckets and he's nowhere to be seen. At my third yell, he came charging across the garden as if the Hound of the Baskervilles were after him.