“Who cares if they can see it? Imagine if it was your butthole they were staring at all day.”
#cats #humor #animals #illustration #funny
good morning from Baby Sir, wrapped in his blanket tortilla with this important announcement: tacocat soelled backwards is still tacocat :QueerCat:
En dan denken jullie dat hij alleen maar boeken uit de kast haalt? Nou, hij kan nog veel meer. #cats #catsofmastodon
The Orange beast is UNLEASHED😎 :blobmaracas:
It's launch day for OverLondon, our MAGNIFICENT post-Tudor comic fantasy whodunnit, which is now available in #ebook #print and #audiobook (Yay!) :blobsmilehappyeyes:
It's here! It's #queer And it's safe for any age to read.
You can get your copy from:
We promise it's very good. You'll laugh, you may even snort laugh. The could even be explosive cackling!
Meanwhile Miss Smudge, our current #cat housesitting overlord here in the #uk is showing her utmost support in all our book launching efforts by sleeping through the whole affair after gifting us no less than three (THREE!) mice on our bed over the course of last night. All alive, all rescued. (Who needs sleep before a huge book launch when they have mouse gifts? Not us!)
Her feline snores are so loud, that I can still hear them with my headphones on!
I am feeling very cheered on. Launch day cats are best cats.
#ebook #print #audiobook #queer #cat #uk #books #bookstodon #cats #sff
The whole world hangs from his cheekbones 😻 #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #GlamourPuss #TheHardyBoyCats
#catsofmastodon #cats #glamourpuss #thehardyboycats
Katzenworld: Join Tummy Rub Tuesday Week 464 and Get Your Cat Featured on Our Blog! https://katzenworld.co.uk/2023/09/12/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-464/ #Cats #CatsOfMastodona #Katzenworld #Tummyrubtuesday ##katzenworld #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cats #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
#cats #catsofmastodona #katzenworld #tummyrubtuesday #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
Video from Uri Burstyn (aka Helpful Vancouver Vet) about some particular care items relevant to older cats. It's a bit lengthy but I find it interesting. as I have found most HVV videos. He used to post them frequently; I hadn't seen one from him in a long time and the start of this one touches on that. This one is from a few months ago.
Otto würde jetzt sagen:“Blblublutdruck langsam senken.“
Hilfreich dabei: #cats
#caturday #catsofmastodon
#cats #caturday #catsofmastodon
Cats look dignified even when they are in outstandingly undignified poses or positions. This demonstrates the power of total self-confidence.
(Having razor-sharp hidden claws helps too.)