Pretty Sabrina ❤️ #cats #catsofmastodon #cats_of_mastodon
#cats_of_mastodon #catsofmastodon #cats
Holding hands
#cats #catsofmastodon #cats_of_mastodon #russianblue #russianbluecat
#cats #catsofmastodon #cats_of_mastodon #russianblue #russianbluecat
Teddy knows where the warm spots are.
#cats #catsofmastodon #cats_of_mastodon #russianbluecat
Sabrina is so damn CUTE. 😭❤️ #cats #catsofmastodon #cats_of_mastodon
#cats_of_mastodon #catsofmastodon #cats
Sabrina 😻 #cats #catsofmastodon #cats_of_mastodon
#cats_of_mastodon #catsofmastodon #cats
Teddy is trying to make me feel guilty for not feeding him yet. "I'm DYING over here."
#cats #catsofmastodon #cats_of_mastodon #russianbluecat
#cats #catsofmastodon #cats_of_mastodon #russianbluecat
Sabrina 😻 #cats #catsofmastodon #cats_of_mastodon
#cats_of_mastodon #catsofmastodon #cats
Sabrina 😻 #cats #catsofmastodon #cats_of_mastodon
#cats_of_mastodon #catsofmastodon #cats
Our afternoon nap has been taken and we are now on the night time nap. Goodnight all #CatsOfMastodon #catsofmastodon#sleepycat #Cats_Of_Mastodon #Cats
#CatsOfMastodon #cats_of_mastodon #Cats
So, ein schöner Tag neigt sich dem Ende entgegen. Netter Besuch, tolle Spiele, lecker Essen. Jetzt müde, aber Jimmy will noch geknubbelt werden.
Patch and Thomasina enjoying my temporary mode of transport #Cats_Of_Mastodon #cats
Frustratingly, I never seem to have a photo of this in finished form. I made this piece for a show but it wasn’t selected for exhibition. Tells the story of Patch, who moved in one day. The text was hand embroidered and the mice painted from photographs for which I had permission to use. Patch was commercial fabrics and hand painted eyes. He is still here and still as handsome! #Cats_Of_Mastodon
Morning everyone! Well, not much being achieved after my fall at the weekend so here is Patch sitting in my current mode of transport. Only temporary but really useful! #Cats_of_Mastodon #Cats
Not having a good day. I vomited everywhere. I need a hug. #cat #CatsOfMastodon #Cats_Of_Mastodon #cats
#cat #CatsOfMastodon #cats_of_mastodon #Cats
Nos ha traído su reno otra vez. 🙂
He’s brought us his reindeer again. 🙂
#catsofmastodon #gatosdemastodon #cats_of_mastodon
My view this Sunday morning. There’s a skiff of snow on the garden and both cats are happy and warm. Thomasina always sits in this spot on the arm of the sofa. #Cats_of_Mastodon
Just a lazy morning with #banksythecat and #fearlessfreddycat in #historicmarkerville #cats_of_mastodon
#cats_of_mastodon #historicmarkerville #fearlessfreddycat #banksythecat