I just found this old pic of M & my old cat Lemmy—like father like son. I excavated this Honk LP for M at St. Vincent DePaul thrift store in LA—maybe fifteen years ago, and brought it back to London. I can’t vouch for what is on that LP or the excessive ring wear, but I know it would match the Lemmy’s extensive collection of Cali-hippie-jazz-rock. #vinyl #vinylcollection #CatsOfMastodon #CatsAndVinyl #ThriftScore #VinylCollector #Tabby #UnconditionalLove
#vinyl #vinylcollection #catsofmastodon #catsandvinyl #thriftscore #vinylcollector #tabby #unconditionallove
cannot not post this:
Emil (l) coughed a bit, and Milo (r) instantly got out of his comfy box, jumped over to Emil to check & groom him.
#CatsOfMastodon #BrotherlyLove
#HolyBirman #CatsAndVinyl
#caturday #catsofmastodon #brotherlylove #holybirman #catsandvinyl
on now:
Marco Pacassoni Group - Frank & Ruth:
A Vibes and Marimba Tribute to the Music of Frank Zappa
2018 Esordisco esolp1801
gatefold 12" #259/500
#MarcoPacassoni #Vibraphone #Marimba #PetraMagoni
#zappa #FrankZappa #RuthUnderwood #RlessedRelief
#TheBlackPage #PeachesEnRegalia #StolenMoments
#wolfsmixedbag #marcopacassoni #vibraphone #marimba #petramagoni #zappa #frankzappa #ruthunderwood #rlessedrelief #theblackpage #peachesenregalia #stolenmoments #vinyl #jazz #catsandvinyl #caturday
Henry bonus pic
#HolyBirman #CatsOfMastodon #caturday #CatsAndVinyl
some more boss pics here, if you still use that site:
#henryofblueandgoldenchannel #holybirman #catsofmastodon #caturday #catsandvinyl
it's... #caturday today
with Emil relaxing so close to his worst enemy.
#HolyBirman #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #CatsAndVinyl
#XXC3 #DjungleFever #SteuerfluchtRecords
#caturday #holybirman #cats #catsofmastodon #catsandvinyl #vinyl #xxc3 #djunglefever #steuerfluchtrecords
Andrew Hill - Black Fire, 1964 Blue Note Records
didn't get one in July 2019 when this was first released as a Tone Poet edition,
also, not sure if the announced repress finally happened, anyway got my copy today!
via jpc: https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/jazz/detail/-/art/andrew-hill-black-fire/hnum/9359702
#AndrewHill #BlackFire #TonePoet #BlueNote #BlueNoteRecords
#jazz #vinyl #CatsAndVinyl
@jazz 🎹
#wolfsmixedbag #andrewhill #blackfire #TonePoet #bluenote #bluenoterecords #jazz #vinyl #catsandvinyl
Andrew Hill - Black Fire, 1964 Blue Note Records
didn't get one in July 2019 when this was first released as a Tone Poet edition,
also, not sure if the announced repress finally happened, anyway got my copy today!
via jpc: https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/jazz/detail/-/art/andrew-hill-black-fire/hnum/9359702
#AndrewHill #BlackFire #TonePoet #BlueNote #BlueNoteRecords
#jazz #vinyl #CatsAndVinyl
#wolfsmixedbag #andrewhill #blackfire #TonePoet #bluenote #bluenoterecords #jazz #vinyl #catsandvinyl
released today, just in & de-freezing now...
Frank Zappa - Waka/Wazoo 4cd+blu-ray set plus the respective lps, coloured clear green and brown marbled.
(a.k.a. feeling a wee bit giddy...)
#zappa #FrankZappa #TheGrandWazoo #GrandWazoo #WakaJawaka #WakaWazoo #ZappaRecords
#vinyl #ColouredVinyl #RecordCollection #ZappaCollection
#CatsAndVinyl #Hasthag
#wolfsmixedbag #zappa #frankzappa #thegrandwazoo #GrandWazoo #wakajawaka #wakawazoo #zapparecords #vinyl #colouredvinyl #recordcollection #zappacollection #catsandvinyl #hasthag
Stanley Turrentine with Milt Jackson - Cherry
1972 CTI Records / 2022 Music on Vinyl MOVLP3138
"50th Anniversary Edition" "of 1500 individually numbered copies on translucent coloured pink vinyl"
not a favourite but nice to have anyway! blink & you missed it.
(yea looks red in the pics. but isn't) Milo is not impressed.
#StanleyTurrentine #MiltJackson
#BobJames #BillyCobham #CreedTaylor #CTI #CTIRecords #MusicOnVinyl #vinyl #jazz #vibraphone #RecordCollection #CatsAndVinyl
#wolfsmixedbag #StanleyTurrentine #miltjackson #bobjames #billycobham #creedtaylor #cti #ctirecords #musiconvinyl #vinyl #jazz #vibraphone #recordcollection #catsandvinyl
...so here's an old pic from late 2007 of our young boss man Henry (2006-2018) with fiery red eyes casually lounging cool on the packing table behind the decks, in front of Marco Carolas 1000 collection and Deepchords Grandbend vinyl.
Wifey still gets onion eyes when we mention him.
#CatsAndVinyl #DJCats #techno
#caturday #henryofblueandgoldenchannel #catsandvinyl #djcats #techno #holybirman
Emil agrees:
by #Gnod
03.2017 #RocketRecordings launch109 / 5055300389312 red #vinyl 12"
#catsandvinyl #vinylporn #tshirt
#GnodGnetwerk #BodiesForMoney #Industrial #NoiseRock #JustSayNo
#gnod #rocketrecordings #vinyl #wolfsmixedbag #catsandvinyl #vinylporn #tshirt #gnodgnetwerk #bodiesformoney #industrial #noiserock #justsayno
on now: deepchord - functional extraits 2 (09.2022 soma recordings soma632) 12"
for some reason i like volume 2 muuuuch more than 1, and the cd. hmmm
written & produced by rod modell
photography by rod modell
#deepchord #RodModell #SomaRecordings #techno #dubtechno
#vinyl #technics1210 #CatsAndVinyl
#wolfsmixedbag #deepchord #RodModell #somarecordings #techno #dubtechno #vinyl #technics1210 #catsandvinyl
Emil & Milo sleeping behind me on the technics. so, cd it is.
#Technics1210 #PioneerDJ #CatsAndVinyl
#caturday #catsofmastodon #holybirman #technics1210 #pioneerdj #catsandvinyl