Valentino, Eclipse and Baldwin #CatsHardAtWork #CatsOfMastodon #SolarChargingCats #Cats #SiameseCats #BlackCats
#catshardatwork #catsofmastodon #solarchargingcats #cats #siamesecats #blackcats
Simón and Jojo demand treats #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCats #BlackCatRanch #CatsHardAtWork
#catsofmastodon #blackcats #blackcatranch #catshardatwork
Rotation #CatsHardAtWork #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCats
#catshardatwork #catsofmastodon #blackcats
Indoor cycling coaches #CatsHardAtWork #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCats #SiameseCats
#catshardatwork #catsofmastodon #blackcats #siamesecats
Afternoon safety meeting - supurrvisor Jojo checking on Valentino, Eclipse birdwatching and Miss Mercy relaxing in her basket. #CatsHardAtWork #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCats #SiameseCats
#catshardatwork #catsofmastodon #blackcats #siamesecats
Eclipse watching birds #CatsHardAtWork #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCats
#catshardatwork #catsofmastodon #blackcats
Valentino #CatsHardAtWork #CatsOfMastodon #SiameseCat
#catshardatwork #catsofmastodon #siamesecat
Ah, the good life. Moo is “supervising” me with her eyes closed. She’s a great boss. Demanding at times, but generally I have my autonomy. #CatsOfMastodon #CatsHardAtWork #ToeBeans #SeniorCats #fedicats #catnap #catsofmstdn #workingfromhome
#catsofmastodon #catshardatwork #toebeans #seniorcats #fedicats #catnap #catsofmstdn #workingfromhome
Eclipse on the ottoman and Simón under the chair #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCats #SolarChargingCats #CatsHardAtWork
#catsofmastodon #blackcats #solarchargingcats #catshardatwork