It be nite wen mama's bak,
I run stwate to da dor.
I ses mama, I not likes,
Yoo werky late no mor!
Mama ses jus two mor weeks,
But dat be much too long.
Purring loud, I cuddles close,
Wif mama, I belong.
#CheddarPoetry #INotLikeItWenMamaGos #INotLikeItWenMamaLate #INeedCuddles #Cheddar #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #catsoffb #catsoftwitter #catsofınstagram #catsofig #catstagram
#cheddarpoetry #inotlikeitwenmamagos #inotlikeitwenmamalate #ineedcuddles #cheddar #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #catsoffb #catsoftwitter #catsofinstagram #catsofig #catstagram
It so cold, boff in and out
Da windows full of ice.
In da blanky, I den kwall,
Ware it be warm and nice.
Wif da mama, snuggled close,
I's in da blanky, deep.
Chewy, Socky, dey come too,
And den I falls asleep.
#CheddarPoetry #Cold #KIttehPile #CuddlesWifMama #MamaBetterNotFart #CatsOfMastodon #catsofig #catsofınstagram #catsoftwitter #catsoffb #catstagram #Cheddar
#cheddarpoetry #cold #kittehpile #cuddleswifmama #mamabetternotfart #CatsOfMastodon #catsofig #catsofinstagram #catsoftwitter #catsoffb #catstagram #cheddar
It so cold, boff in and out
Da windows full of ice.
In da blanky, I den kwall,
Ware it be warm and nice.
Wif da mama, snuggled close,
I's in da blanky, deep.
Chewy, Socky, dey come too,
And den I falls asleep.
#CheddarPoetry #Cold #KIttehPile #CuddlesWifMama #MamaBetterNotFart #CatsOfMastodon #catsofig #catsofınstagram #catsoftwitter #catsoffb #catstagram #Cheddar
#cheddarpoetry #cold #kittehpile #cuddleswifmama #mamabetternotfart #CatsOfMastodon #catsofig #catsofinstagram #catsoftwitter #catsoffb #catstagram #cheddar
Now it be Desember 3,
I wonder wat da tweat will be?
I opens up da liddle dor
I pull out tweats onto da flor
I eats dem up, I offer shares
But Chewy, she jus sits and stares
I halps her out, I eats hers too!
And Chewy, she not hab a cloo
#CheddarPoetry #AdventCalendar #iShares #catsofig #catsofınstagram #catsoftwitter #catsoffb #catstagram #Cheddar #SockyHadSumToo #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #adventcalendar #ishares #catsofig #catsofinstagram #catsoftwitter #catsoffb #catstagram #cheddar #sockyhadsumtoo #CatsOfMastodon
Da mousie runs and skweeks
And runs akwoss da skween.
I bops him wif my paw.
I splash paynt in orwinge and wed.
I makes a pikchur.
Bootyful and bwite.
#catsofig #catsoftwitter #CatsOfMastodon #catsoffb #catsofınstagram
#CheddarPoetry #Painting #iPaw #PaintForCatsApp
#catsofig #catsoftwitter #CatsOfMastodon #catsoffb #catsofinstagram #cheddarpoetry #painting #ipaw #paintforcatsapp