Quoi que tu fasses, elle te juge !
#catsofmasdon #hashtagtropcool
#catsofmasdon #hashtagtropcool
Ob ich mir beobachtet vorkomme? Och... #catsodon #catsofmasdon #catcontent
#catcontent #catsodon #catsofmasdon
Watching my friend's excellent little housepanther while he's outta town. #catsofmasdon #housepanther #blep
#blep #housepanther #catsofmasdon
I was about to go to bed when this little one jumped into my lap and immediately fell asleep #JinkxTheKitten #CatsOfMasdon
When he's like this I just have to unplug the keyboard
Painting by Gertrude Abercrombie of three cat, red, black and gray, sitting under individual clouds. 1956. Real cats of same color underneath with paper clouds.