I was about to make hot cakes (7.30pm, 12°C/53°F) and then the cat decides to purr and take a nap on my lap, which she never does.
She also never meows for food, just stands near her bowl staring at whoever is nearby and blinking.
I'm trying to take it slow in the hopes I won't have to deal with a crash from overextending myself with a couple of social things (poor planning) and two big medical appointments (unavoidable). Haven't written anything for a while, sometimes life gets in the way. Been learning to deal with this #chronicillness for a year now and it's still a constant challenge to balance things. At least I have good company.
#chronicillness #cats #writingcommunity #catsonlaps #catsofmastodon
I'm trying to take it slow in the hopes I won't have to deal with a crash from overextending myself with a couple of social things (poor planning) and two big medical appointments (unavoidable). Haven't written anything for a while, sometimes life gets in the way. Been learning to deal with this #chronicillness for a year now and it's still a constant challenge to balance things. At least I have good company.
#chronicillness #cats #writingcommunity #catsonlaps #catsofmastodon
Lily, cleaning her toes a little too vigorously. We got her too young, before she could learn from her mother how to cat, and it took her about a year to figure out how to bathe herself without whacking herself in the face with these feet. #cat #catpics #caturday #CatsOnLaps #mastocats
#cat #catpics #caturday #catsonlaps #mastocats
Willow being sleepy and cuddly last night. #WillowWhimsy #CatsOfMastodon #KittensOfMastodon #MastoCats #MastoKittens #SleepyKitten #TootKittens #CatsOnLaps
#willowwhimsy #catsofmastodon #kittensofmastodon #mastocats #mastokittens #sleepykitten #tootkittens #catsonlaps