@Lola Why not every day? 😂
#catonday #catuesday #catesday #cathursday #catriday #caturday #catunday
#catonday #catuesday #catesday #cathursday #catriday #caturday #Catunday
This fuckin cool cat really knows what he doing, in peace... :maxwellthecat: :maxwell_cat: :blobfoxsignthx:
#TodaysWalk #whatisaw #happycatsday #catuesday
Alors comme ça ce serait la journée des chats ? Comme si ces fieffés gredins avaient besoin d'une journée spéciale. Attendez un peu, nous on va la leur fêter leur journée. Dès que nous sortons du terrier. 😉
Signé : L'Amicale des Mulots Réunis
Avec l'aimable concours de Tomi Ungerer, illustration extraite de son livre Les Chats, le cherche midi éditeur
Tem como não atrasar ? Não tem
Qui va voir son vétérinaire cet après-midi mais qu'elle ne le sait pas encore et qu'elle va pas aimer ? Hein, qui ?
It was 95F in our backyard yesterday. The dog (cat) days of summer are nearly upon us. #Catuesday #CatsofMastodon
#catwalk 😂😂 Cat-stume #catsofmastadon #catuesday
#catuesday #catsofmastadon #catwalk
'No one can grasp what the universe is, what is beyond its boundaries, where matter comes from, how many layers and dimensions there are, or even what the tiniest part of it looks like. Do we even really exist or are we a simulation? A fleeting thought?'
Her cat jumped up on her desk, stepped on her laptop, and lay down, ignoring the characters filling the screen.
'But sometimes, I think it was all invented and created for the purpose of these creatures.'
I refer to my grandson as “2.1” because he’s the first child of my 2nd child (and her spouse) Also #catuesday These two are inseparable; friends for life; kitty’s name is Othello (b/c he’s into Shakespeare) Enjoy! #orangetabby #catsofmastodon
#catuesday #orangetabby #catsofmastodon
Picolé ligado nos 220v logo cedo deseja uma excelente terça a todos os ursalindes e mastodontes :Ursal: :AmorComunista:
#cats #catsofmastodon #catuesday