ShowWhy is a suite of no-code interfaces for performing data analysis using #causalML techniques and libraries
#causalml #AI #causalai #github #microsoft
Interested in learning #causalML for policy evaluation/learning?
I consolidated my teaching material from different courses for Master and PhD Economics students. Result:
- 10 slide decks
- 22 R notebooks
See and thread below
Causal Christmas Tree Challenge: Draw sth with two potential outcome functions.
I drew a christmas tree and passed the task to my #causalML students @unitübingen@bawü.social as assignment.
Can you eyeball which implied CATE looks like batman? If not, check the notebook
#DoWhy 0.9 includes some exciting new extensions and features, including better sensitivity analyses, new identification algorithms, and more. I'm particularly excited to see so many new contributors joining in on this release!
#dowhy #causality #causalinf #causalml
Lots of new folks joining today so maybe worth reposting:
Hello #causal folks. I haven't run into a list of #causal #causalinf #causality #causalml people on mastodon yet. I thought I'd start crowdsourcing.
Please share, edit, add yourself, etc. Thanks!
#causal #causalinf #causality #causalml
It was great to be at #NeurIPS2022 last week and catch up with so many friends and colleagues! Excited about the breadth of #causalML work there, including much work on #causality from our team at Microsoft Research.
I wanted to highlight a few in a brief thread:
#NeurIPS2022 #causalml #causality
Today at 4:30pm at the
booth (#202) at #NeurIPS2022, Agrin Hilmkil and Cheng Zhang are demoing our open source Causal AI suite, including our new no-code interface, ShowWhy.
#NeurIPS2022 #causalml #causaltwitter #causalinference
Headed to #NeurIPS2022 and looking forward to catching up with folks on #causality #causalml #causalinference. I'll be around Tue-Sat, msg or email if you'd like to chat
#NeurIPS2022 #causality #causalml #causalinference
Hi! #introduction by paper
Do you 👍 #causalML to estimate CATEs? Me too 🤓
With Phillip Heiler, I take a step back and ask what CATEs actually mean if a 0/1 "treatment" is itself heterogeneous (binarized multi trmt or multi trmt versions).
2 new features of a 1yo paper:
You 👍 intution on #causalinference?
😀-based intro to the issue
You 👍 #econometrics theory?
Updated #DoubleML theory allows no. of trmts -> ∞ -> extreme pscores (limited overlap)
#introduction #causalml #causalinference #econometrics #DoubleML
Hello folks, I'm a researcher at Microsoft Research, where my interests span #causalinference, #ml, and AI's implications for society. Most of my projects today are on new #causalml methods and their applications in a variety of domains. This includes open-source efforts to build an ecosystem for causal ml with our PyWhy/DoWhy libraries. I also have a lot of fun collaborating on social computing / computational social science questions of various kinds.
Nice to see folks here! 👋
#introduction #causalinference #ml #causalml
We’re organising a #meeting for #causalinf and #envsci folk in the UK in December supported by Cambridge Accelerate. Please see for further details and to sign up. #ml #causalml
#causalml #ml #envsci #causalinf #meeting
Hey folks interested in #causality , we just posted an internship opening in our team. Please share with others!
#causalml #causal #ai #internship #causalmastadon (maybe that last tag needs work)
#causality #causalml #causal #ai #internship #causalmastadon
We are recruiting research interns in causal machine learning, causal RL, causal discovery, causal inference, counterfactual reasoning, and related topics. Come join us at Reach out with any questions! #causaltwitter #causalml