Campagna di attacchi verso gli account LinkedIn: alcune precisazioni secondo il GDPR.
La #campagna di #attacchi in corso verso gli #account #LinkedIn è stata segnalata dal blog di Cyberint il 14 agosto scorso, ma ci sono conseguenze da dover considerare tenuto conto del #GDPR?
Fin qui gli #scenari di #attacco sono abbastanza chiari, così come le probabili #cause che sono riconducibili per lo più a attacchi di #password #guessing andati a buon fine (ringrazio per la conferma a riguardo Giovanni Battista Caria).
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#campagna #attacchi #account #linkedin #gdpr #scenari #attacco #cause #password #guessing #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
"... stand up ... apathy is the greatest obstacle. ... if we try nothing, nothing changes. ... our words and actions must follow each other."
#audiobooks #book #apathy #change #standup #standingup #action #today #cause #courage #difference #makeadifference
#audiobooks #book #apathy #change #standup #standingup #action #today #cause #courage #difference #makeadifference
Here's the second in the new series of core concept videos on Thomas Aquinas' "five ways". Which one is this one? I expect you can easily guess!
#Video #Aquinas #God #Argument #Cause #Efficient #Proof #Philosophy #Theology #FiveWays
#fiveways #theology #philosophy #proof #efficient #cause #argument #god #aquinas #video
"In the end, it matters less that you can fight. What you fight for is the real test." — John McCain — — — #JohnMcCain #quote #quotes #fight #cause #character #meaningful #goals #morals
#johnmccain #quote #quotes #fight #cause #character #meaningful #goals #morals
"There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in." — Bishop Desmond Tutu — — — #BishopDesmondTutu #quote #quotes #rescue #save #help #cause #effect #answers #questions
#bishopdesmondtutu #quote #quotes #rescue #save #help #cause #effect #answers #questions
#homelessness #crisis #cause #California
The Root Cause of the Homelessness Crisis
Thirty percent of the American homeless population and 50 percent of its unsheltered population live in California, more than 170,000 people total. Homelessness is primarily a function of the broader housing-unaffordability crisis, which in turn is primarily a function of how difficult local governments have made building new housing in the places that need it the most.
#California #cause #crisis #homelessness
#SystemsInnovation - #Causality
#Philosophy #Science #Systems #SystemsThinking #CauseAndEffect #Cause #Effect #Physics #Induction #Hume #DavidHume #ConstantConjunction #LinearCausality #NonLinearCausality #Feedback #Holism #HolisticSynthetic #TopDown #BottomUp #Emergence #Emergentism #Reduction #Reductivism
#reductivism #reduction #emergentism #emergence #bottomup #topdown #holisticsynthetic #holism #feedback #nonlinearcausality #linearcausality #constantconjunction #davidhume #hume #induction #physics #effect #cause #causeandeffect #systemsthinking #systems #science #philosophy #causality #systemsinnovation
Reviewing a discussion with #liberal folks:
#Liberals are absolutely incapable of distinguishing between #correlation and #cause.
So their logic is, #meat consumption is caused by #masculinity because men eat twice the meat than women. 🤭🙄
OK, world is drowning so deep into #irrationality and #esoterics on all ideological fronts, just a matter of time, before speaking becomes impossible.
#liberal #liberals #correlation #cause #meat #masculinity #Irrationality #esoterics
We've been nudged for decades to self-identify as marketing demographics
Sign-up pages ask for email, username, password, maybe a birthdate
But once you're on board, you're prompted to add a photo of yourself (hello race, gender, age)
for the anarchists in the back who insist on using a pet as your avatar, we have skin tone emojis and pronouns
How many times have you seen this bio:
#Religion #PoliticalParty #Disabilty #JobTitle & #Parent of %d kids #Hobby1 #Hobby2 #Cause #Slogan #Cause2
#cause2 #slogan #cause #hobby2 #hobby1 #parent #jobtitle #Disabilty #politicalParty #religion
Émeutes : que vise la colère ? #émeute #émeute_urbaine #violence_urbaine #cause #explication #décryptage #1st_revue #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #1st_revue #decryptage #explication #cause #violence_urbaine #emeute_urbaine #emeute
#cause : any legal process by which a party endeavors to obtain his claim, or what he regards as his right
- French: cause
- German: die Ursache
- Italian: causa
- Portuguese: causa
- Spanish: causa
Report an incorrect translation @
🔵 Cerchiamo oggi di capirci qualcosa di più di medicina: qual è la differenza tra i termini "eziologia", "patogenesi" ed "eziopatogenesi"?
👉 Leggi l’articolo:
✅ #eziologia #patogenesi #eziopatogenesi #medicina #definizioni #dizionario #cause #patologia #EmilioAlessioLoiacono #MedicinaOnLine
#eziologia #patogenesi #eziopatogenesi #medicina #definizioni #dizionario #cause #patologia #EmilioAlessioLoiacono #MedicinaOnLine
The term “#new #normal" has become a #cliche used to #normalize #unpleasant #situations that should not be accepted as permanent. It originated after 9/11 but is now commonly used to refer to #climate #disasters. Merely #adapting to these disasters without addressing their #root #cause in #fossil #fuel #consumption will only make the #problems worse.
#new #normal #cliche #normalize #unpleasant #situations #climate #disasters #adapting #root #cause #fossil #fuel #consumption #problems
Is there a #cause in which you strongly enough believe that you would sacrifice your life for it?
Le #cause dell'#alluvione in #Emilia #Romagna
Le prime #piogge di #maggio che hanno reso ancora più vulnerabile il #territorio. E soprattutto la #crisi del #clima sta aggravando questi #fenomeni #atmosferici. #cambiamentoclimatico #climatechange
#cause #alluvione #emilia #romagna #piogge #maggio #territorio #crisi #clima #fenomeni #atmosferici #cambiamentoclimatico #climatechange
In any case, if you look to the world for your #salvation, you will be disillusioned and despaired. The #world cannot offer you salvation. All it holds are temporary offers and things that seem to fix a problem that we see outside of us. If we really want a #solution we need to go to the #cause and change it. What is the cause then, you may ask. If you call out for freedom you have to say, you are not the #victim of the world you see. You invented it in your mind and only you can change it. You are its salvation and your own.
#salvation #world #solution #cause #victim
"So, there is only one #law in the #universe, and that law makes us all equal. What you sow, so shall you reap. Bottom line. There are not other laws. All the others are agreements we have with ourselves, with our #therapist, with our boss at work, with our relationships, with the elements. They're just agreements, don't mean anything.
There is only one law, #cause and #effect. That makes us all equal. We are all where we are right now because we are standing in the center, right in the center of the consequences of our accumulated thoughts, words and deeds. Bottom line. There is no one to blame. There is no real suffering in the world. People that are #suffering, that appear to be suffering, that's really not suffering. What real suffering is is not knowing that one law. If you don't know that law, then you can head into #hell very quickly. What we call hell is a perceptual experience of - really - discomfort and #trauma, because, I am not #responsible, someone else is doing it to me. I am going to blame. Blame #mentality which is a #victim and victim mentality. And when we are functioning at the victim and victim mentality we are in the first three #chakras, maybe in the lower two, mostly in the first. Victim and victim mentality. #Survival, blame, need, want, #conflict. All of that is victim and victim mentality. The world is happening to me. Poor me.
Not true. The world is #reflecting what's going on within me. But I don't know that unless I have insight. The only insight insight is is of the emotional body. The mental body doesn't have any insight. Nor does the physical."
#law #universe #therapist #cause #effect #suffering #hell #trauma #responsible #mentality #victim #chakras #survival #conflict #reflecting
"We believe the physical world is the effect of something. But it's not. It's the effect. The physical world is the effect. So we believe that the cause of what's happening to us is actually the effect. That is how when we try and change things by fiddeling with the effect - that is called ineffectual behaviour."
#causeandeffect #cause #effect #reversal #mind #projection
I semafori generano code
ma si rischia a non accenderli
#patreridistorti #mantova #portacerese #semaforiàcode #responsabilità #cause #processi #traffico #fotononmie #fotodallarete
#patreridistorti #Mantova #portacerese #semaforiacode #responsabilita #cause #processi #traffico #fotononmie #fotodallarete