Cause & Effect Ep 27: Red Handed
#Podcast #TabletopRPGs #CauseAndEffect #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons #TTRPG
Jim and the rest of Team Thread Count seem to be behind some of the sabotage, but what about the worst of it?
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#SystemsInnovation - #Causality
#Philosophy #Science #Systems #SystemsThinking #CauseAndEffect #Cause #Effect #Physics #Induction #Hume #DavidHume #ConstantConjunction #LinearCausality #NonLinearCausality #Feedback #Holism #HolisticSynthetic #TopDown #BottomUp #Emergence #Emergentism #Reduction #Reductivism
#reductivism #reduction #emergentism #emergence #bottomup #topdown #holisticsynthetic #holism #feedback #nonlinearcausality #linearcausality #constantconjunction #davidhume #hume #induction #physics #effect #cause #causeandeffect #systemsthinking #systems #science #philosophy #causality #systemsinnovation
The macro and micro are intertwined, equally important, and must be examined equally and both taken into consideration when making decisions.
#time #life #world #people
#audiobook #future #booklover #book #audible #books #book #audio #ebook #causeandeffect
#time #life #world #people #audiobook #future #booklover #book #audible #Books #audio #ebook #causeandeffect
Escucho #SomewhereOnlyWeKnow y me quedo prendado. Por error me bajo una demo y la escucho varias semanas sin saberlo, pero es un temazo incluso en esta rudimentaria forma. Un amigo me dice que escuche #BendAndBreak. Nada, temazo igualmente, así que me compro el CD, desconociendo que los cabrones de la discográfica habían dejado fuera de la edición europea #OnADayLikeToday, que para mí es de lo mejor del disco. Pero ojos que no ven Houston que te metes, así que ese verano tuve disco favorito por mucho tiempo.
Un par de años después sacarían el que para mí es su mejor disco hasta la fecha, #UnderTheIronSea, haciendo que de momento tenga como oscuro de deseo ambos LP, que no poseo. Sí tengo, no obstante, el que sacaron en 2012, que vi barato (realmente barato) y que ahora ha multiplicado su valor por quince. No los colecciono por eso, pero mola jijiji.
Con las mismas llevaba detrás de este, el último que han sacado justo antes de la nueva espantada de #TomChaplin, el cantante. Lo vi a mitad de precio y ya es mío. Para colmo, en edición especial con un vinilo de 10" en turquesita precioso. Fue publicado justo el año que les vi en directo por última vez, en Madrid, con canciones que no me sabía... Y Tom hablando todo el rato conmigo y un par más de la primera fila.
Se trata de un disco muy equilibrado, con muy buenos temas, pero quizá algo tranquilo para lo que se lleva ahora. Aun así, cuenta con temas potentes como #TheWayIFeel.
#somewhereonlyweknow #bendandbreak #onadayliketoday #undertheironsea #tomchaplin #thewayifeel #keane #causeandeffect #eugenelo
Cause & Effect Ep 26: KOSHA Compliant
#Podcast #TabletopRPGs #CauseAndEffect #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons #TTRPG
Monty arrives to act in his capacity as KOSHA (Kobold OSHA) Probationary Inspector 3rd Class and get to the bottom of the sabotaging.
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Cause & Effect Ep 25: Pre-Approved Questing
#Podcast #TabletopRPGs #CauseAndEffect #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons #TTRPG
The party goes off to the sheep races with a new mascot in tow.
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Cause & Effect Ep 24: Mutton Mystery
#Podcast #TabletopRPGs #CauseAndEffect #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons #TTRPG
The following morning, the pieces have been picked up and the party begins investigating why a T-Rex sized sheep went on a rampage.
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#podcast #tabletoprpgs #causeandeffect #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg
A quotation from Eliot, George:
Consequences are unpitying.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #causeandeffect #consequences #mercy #pity #results
#quote #quotes #quotation #causeandeffect #consequences #mercy #pity #results
A quotation from McLaughlin, Mignon:
If you made a list of reasons why any couple got married, and another list of reasons for their divorce, you’d have a hell of a lot of overlapping.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #causeandeffect #divorce #marriage
#quote #quotes #quotation #causeandeffect #divorce #marriage
In advance, may your #EarthDay be commitment-senstive and action-prone.
#DiaDelPlaneta #DeLaTierra #Earth #Environment #Ubuntu #Respect #Action #CauseAndEffect
#EarthDay #diadelplaneta #delatierra #earth #environment #ubuntu #respect #action #causeandeffect
Cause & Effect Ep 22: Intermission
#Podcast #TabletopRPGs #CauseandEffect #DnD #DungeonsandDragons #TTRPG
Everyone goes shopping, a super-powerful being pops in, and Aye needs something fixed.
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"We believe the physical world is the effect of something. But it's not. It's the effect. The physical world is the effect. So we believe that the cause of what's happening to us is actually the effect. That is how when we try and change things by fiddeling with the effect - that is called ineffectual behaviour."
#causeandeffect #cause #effect #reversal #mind #projection
Cause & Effect Ep 21: Burning Man
#Podcast #TabletopRPGs #CauseandEffect #DnD #DungeonsandDragons #TTRPG
The burning zombies need dealing with after they've been ... dealt with. And then there's the matter of what's controlling them.
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Also worth mentioning that #CauseAndEffect aired a year before the release of Groundhog Day.
When #CauseAndEffect first aired, the stations stared receiving phone calls that there was a problem with the broadcast.
(Edit: Updated with screenshot from Memory Alpha)
Enterprise Enterprise exploded? exploded? Am Am I I in in a a nightmare? nightmare?
#causeandeffect #startrektng #allstartrek #tng #startrek
Enterprise exploded? Am I in a nightmare?
#causeandeffect #startrektng #allstartrek #tng #startrek
One of my earlier stories that ended up being popular #causeandeffect #alexandersemenyuk #blog #read #life #important #consequences
#causeandeffect #alexandersemenyuk #blog #read #life #important #consequences
@theautisticcoach @jmb It’s tragic, but how do you think its come to this? Are you aware that Palestinians have rejected peace & the existence of Israel, since its inception? Are you aware that israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in 2005 & in return got Hamas elected to majority & 🚀 🚀 🚀 fired at them? Btw, that was the last time Palestinians held elections… #History #CauseAndEffect
Cause & Effect Ep 20: Swamp Excavation
Something burned and sank into the swamp. It's full of zombies. The party investigates.
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