Beautiful tribute to #MarkCavendish from Christian Prudhomme.
#markcavendish #tdf2023 #tdf23 #cav
I know records matter, esp to someone so steeped in the history of cycling like Cav but of course, his palmares is still incredible.
It's no way to go but having watched cycling for so long, it's entirely predictable that a touch of weeks in the middle of a flat, relatively dull stage is exactly how many great riders have gone out of races.
It's a shame because he is one of the few personalities left in cycling. He lit up a race & he'll be missed for that.
#Cav #TdF
I needed to finish up this #reapermini #cav imperator mech turned mining robot for #stargrave. Aside from the mech body, I used a yogurt pouch plastic but with a screw for the drilling arm, and made a grasping claw arm from a coffee stirrer, some plastic rod, & plastic tube from a shampoo pump. Additional green garden wire and random plasticard scrap make for a very ramshackle looking robot.
The 4 pics are wip shots, with the final pic showing the robot primed with a metallic primer.
Well two out of three ain't bad. Pinot takes blue and #Cav takes the final stage in Rome. Thomas second is pretty good too.
I don't have a lot of time for #Ineos or #Astana but it's good to see the old timers can still hold their heads high.
Roll on the #Tour de France and win 35!
[#Cinéma] Sans attendre l’ouverture à la #rentrée2023 de l’option facultative cinéma-audiovisuel #CAV en 2de et 1re, le lycée #Bascan permet déjà un accès à cet enseignement artistique à un large public lycéen ayant choisi de suivre l’offre d’ouverture culturelle proposée dans notre établissement grâce à un atelier cinéma, à l’inscription au dispositif « Lycéens et apprentis au cinéma » et à la participation au festival « Premiers Plans » d’Angers. En savoir plus |→
#cinema #Rentree2023 #cav #bascan
Dopo La Sapienza, Tuscia, Roma Tre, Cassino e Lazio Meridionale, con quello di Tor Vergata si conclude il programma dei cinque Centri Antiviolenza sorti dalla stretta collaborazione tra i principali Atenei del Lazio e gli Assessorati alle Pari Opportunità.
Il #CAV di Tor Vergata, come gli altri già attivi, garantirà a titolo gratuito servizi come primo supporto, accoglienza e protezione, assistenza e sostegno psicologico, percorso di uscita dalla #violenza, assistenza legale e orientamento al lavoro.
Il Centro Antiviolenza presso l’Università Tor Vergata di Roma è attivo; la struttura di via Columbia 1 è aperta al pubblico dal
lunedì al venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 16.00 e il
giovedì con orario prolungato fino alle 17.00
What if we exploit the sensors of Connected Autonomous Vehicles #CAV to the benefit of #cyclist #priotization? Alphonse Vial and I have researched this and today (January 10) I presented this at #TRBAM. If you want to see the poster in more detail, you can find it here:
#cav #cyclist #priotization #trbam
Tomorrow I will be presenting with Vasileios Volakakis on #autonomous #minibus and my paper on #CAV #ManagedLane.
Please come by and share your thoughts!
1:30-3:15pm Hall A B534
City-Wide Deployment of Autonomous Minibus Service with Semi-On-Demand Routes in Grid Networks: Identification, Evaluation, and Simulation
6-7:30pm Hall A B601
Highway Managed Lane Usage and Tolling for Mixed Traffic Flows with Connected Automated Vehicles and High-Occupancy Vehicles
#autonomous #minibus #cav #managedlane
Tomorrow I will be presenting with Vasileios Volakakis on #autonomous #minibus and my paper on #CAV #ManagedLane.
Please come by and share your thoughts!
1:30-3:15pm Hall A B534
City-Wide Deployment of Autonomous Minibus Service with Semi-On-Demand Routes in Grid Networks: Identification, Evaluation, and Simulation
6-7:30pm Hall A B601
Highway Managed Lane Usage and Tolling for Mixed Traffic Flows with Connected Automated Vehicles and High-Occupancy Vehicles
#autonomous #minibus #cav #managedlane
Libere di scegliere, libere di abortire! #cosechediciamo//comunicati #autodeterminazione #General #aborto #Marisa #CAV
#cav #marisa #aborto #general #autodeterminazione #cosechediciamo
[Archives] Projet interdisciplinaire de tutorat interdegré autour de la réalisation de courts-métrages dans un quartier en éducation prioritaire.
👉 Présentation du projet :
#tutorat #coopération #PEAC #CAV #REP #pédagogie #ParcoursÉlèves #PédagogieProjet
🗞️ Revue de presse : Libération (23.05.2017)
#tutorat #coopération #peac #cav #rep #pédagogie #ParcoursÉlèves #PédagogieProjet
sometimes i just feel in awe at how big made-for-cars malls can be for highway pedestrians
#southsnippets #urbandevelopment #photography #cav #ph
sometimes i just feel in awe at how big made-for-cars malls can be for highway pedestrians
#southsnippets #urbandevelopment #photography #cav #ph