, my Leiber-inspired game of flamboyant heroes getting in over their heads and then creating even *more* trouble to get out -- ON MARS -- is 40% off !

Don't miss this exotic, mysterious, and fucking weird sword-and-sassery world from me, @TerraObscura, and other amazing writers who aren't on Mastodon!



#cavaliersofmars #ttrpg #fantasy #swordandsorcery

Last updated 2 years ago

Hi, I am Benni, 33, your not-so-local agender librarian.
I am a crafter and love sharing tips, tricks and pics ( ).
Also an irl and online game master for and , like
I spend quite a lot of time on and other games.

Wanna play? Hmu :blobcatheart:

Fr / En / Jp

#introduction #chronicallyill #crochet #knitting #minipainting #jewelery #metalcasting #larp #tabletop #rpg #pathfinder #vampire #changeling #mage #scion #dnd5 #l5r #pugmire #pbta #cavaliersofmars #destiny2 #ps4

Last updated 6 years ago