Daniel Dvorkin · @medigoth
117 followers · 136 posts · Server qoto.org

This is deeply wrong, but it’s an interesting kind of wrong.

Our perception of the past telescopes: there’s the recent past, what we remember; the middle past, what our parents and grandparents remember; the long past, out of living memory but still preserved in familiar stories; and everything else. As I’ve said before, a lot of Americans’ idea of human seems to go roughly as follows:

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. Robin Hood and King Arthur.
  5. and .
  6. and George Washington.
  7. .
  8. World War Two. (One must have happened somewhere?)
  9. and .
  10. The real world begins with the momentous event of my birth.

Nor is this uniquely an American problem—some places have better educational systems than others, but I think people everywhere hold similar mythologized versions of world events leading uniquely and inevitably to their own central place in the world.

So here’s an extreme version of the same phenomenon applied to natural history. Most reasonably educated people have some idea that not all prehistoric animals lived at the same time (although poor is forever going to be mixed in with ) but they do tend to lump enormous spans of time together: and , before that all dinosaurs all at once, and before that … I dunno … jellyfish or something.

, of course, turn it up to 11.

#history #cavemen #pyramids #jesus #columbus #pirates #pilgrims #cowboys #hippies #vietnam #dimetrodon #dinosaurs #mammoths #sabertooths #creationists

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Dvorkin · @medigoth
117 followers · 136 posts · Server qoto.org

This is deeply wrong, but it’s an interesting kind of wrong.

Our perception of the past telescopes: there’s the recent past, what we remember; the middle past, what our parents and grandparents remember; the long past, out of living memory but still preserved in familiar stories; and everything else. As I’ve said before, a lot of Americans’ idea of human seems to go roughly as follows:

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. Robin Hood and King Arthur.
  5. and .
  6. and George Washington.
  7. .
  8. World War Two. (One must have happened somewhere?)
  9. and .
  10. The real world begins with the momentous event of my birth.

Nor is this uniquely an American problem—some places have better educational systems than others, but I think people everywhere hold similar mythologized versions of world events leading uniquely and inevitably to their own central place in the world.

So here’s an extreme version of the same phenomenon applied to natural history. Most reasonably educated people have some idea that not all prehistoric animals lived at the same time (although poor is forever going to be mixed in with ) but they do tend to lump enormous spans of time together: and , before that all dinosaurs all at once, and before that … I dunno … jellyfish or something.

, of course, turn it up to 11.

#jesus #history #pyramids #pirates #pilgrims #cowboys #dimetrodon #dinosaurs #columbus #hippies #vietnam #sabertooths #Creationsts #cavemen #mammoths

Last updated 2 years ago

Comickritik · @Comickritik
20 followers · 96 posts · Server norden.social
Some Bits: Nelson's Linkblog · @somebitslinks
56 followers · 109 posts · Server tech.lgbt

It's About Time: 1960s sitcom where two astronauts go back in time and meet cavemen. It looks absolutely awful.

#television #astronauts #cavemen #schlock #1960s #funny #tv

Last updated 2 years ago

Astanael · @astanael
1 followers · 23 posts · Server mastodon.social

The settlers thought that signing the Agreement would put an end to their fears of subjugation from the Elastic Cave-Giants.
Turns out that the Squishies, as they call themselves, were more afraid of the settlers and their dreaded "bones".
This explains some parts of the Agreement, such as the "Settlers are hereby forbidden from having boners in presence of the squishies".

#signature #cavemen #agreement #elastic #soft #boner #pun #Untranslatable #settlers

Last updated 2 years ago

HypathieBlog · @HypathieBlog
769 followers · 7816 posts · Server mamot.fr

@cyril Pareil. Je pense sincèrement que si elle n'avait pas utilisé un fusil, elle aurait eu plus de clémence. Pesanteur des tabous anthropologiques sur la justice.


Last updated 2 years ago

· @Alienka
14 followers · 16 posts · Server mastodon.si