It's Rare Disease Day!
Help us raise awareness by sharing this video.
#RareDiseaseDay2023 #CavernousMalformation #Cavernoma #GlobalAwareness #RaisingAwareness
#rarediseaseday2023 #cavernousmalformation #cavernoma #globalawareness #raisingawareness
Have you ever wondered what the clinical trial screening process is like? We got a peak inside. Take a look!
Questions about clinical trials or participating in clinical trials? Email
#ClinicalTrials #ParticipateInClinicalTrials #CavernousMalformation #Cavernoma #CCM #EmpoweringCommunity #BuildingABetterFuture #Hope #DontHesitateParticipate
#clinicaltrials #participateinclinicaltrials #cavernousmalformation #cavernoma #ccm #empoweringcommunity #buildingabetterfuture #hope #donthesitateparticipate
#ClinicalTrials #YouAreThePathToACure #Research #Community #CavernousMalformation #Cavernoma
#clinicaltrials #youarethepathtoacure #research #community #cavernousmalformation #cavernoma
The new and improved CCM healthy cookbook is now in our store and available for digital download!
#EmulsifierFree #HealthyEating #CavernousMalformation #GutBrainConnection #Microbiome #Cavernoma #RareDisease
#emulsifierfree #healthyeating #cavernousmalformation #gutbrainconnection #microbiome #cavernoma #RareDisease
Meet Meleah! She has endured quite a journey with cavernous malformation. Meleah, her younger brother, and her mom all have familial cavernous malformations. Like many of our families, their journey is far from over. We continue to accelerate our progress toward a cure for Meleah's family and all other cavernous malformation families walking this path.
Meleah, you are an inspiration to us all! Thank you for allowing us to share your story.
#CavernousMalformation #PatientStory #Community
#cavernousmalformation #patientstory #community
Read more on the microbiome study here ⬇
#FridayFacts #DidYouKnow #GutMicrobiome #CavernousMalformation #BrainHealth #TheMoreYouKnow
#fridayfacts #didyouknow #gutmicrobiome #cavernousmalformation #BrainHealth #themoreyouknow
This past Saturday, a few of our members had the pleasure of watching "Eloquent" at Music Box Theater in Chicago! Thank you to our members who helped make this happen! It's certainly a unique experience to watch the film in a theater and visit with Dr. Awad!
If anyone is interested in planning a similar event, you can reach out to
#EloquentMovie #Documentary #CavernousMalformation #PatientStories #Eloquent #Film #RareDisease
#eloquentmovie #documentary #cavernousmalformation #patientstories #eloquent #Film #RareDisease
Check out CCM parent, Megan Loden, sharing their emotional journey with cavernous malformation. Thank you, Rare Revolution Magazine for sharing their story!
#CavernousMalformation #CCM #Cavernoma #RareDisease #TurningTheTide
#cavernousmalformation #ccm #cavernoma #RareDisease #turningthetide