Wenn die Vorbereitung nicht auf Höchsttouren läuft, heißt das auf gut Deutsch, man hat nicht vor, compliant zu werden und hofft dadrauf, dass es nicht durchgesetzt wird.
Das gab es schon einmal bei kleineren Bereichen, hier ist das eine neue Qualität und würde nicht passieren, gäbe es nicht bereits entsprechende Signale. #CBAM #EU #Verweigerung
Public consultation on the draft EU #CBAM Implementation Act: The reporting obligations during the transitional period of the carbon border adjustment mechanism.
EU-Grenzsteuer auf #CO2: große Chance zur #Klimawandel-Bekämpfung, wenn mit den Einnahmen Länder mit niedrigem & mittlerem Einkommen beim Übergang zu nachhaltiger Industrie unterstützt werden. Neue Studie mit #PIK-Forschenden Leonie Wenz, Timothé Beaufils et al. #CBAM: https://www.pik-potsdam.de/de/aktuelles/nachrichten/eu-grenzsteuer-auf-co2-bietet-grosse-chance-zur-bekaempfung-des-klimawandels
EU border tax on #CO2: huge opportunity to tackle #climatechange if revenue generated supports low- & middle-income countries in transition towards clean industries. New study with PIK researchers Leonie Wenz, Timothé Beaufils et al. #cbam: https://www.pik-potsdam.de/en/news/latest-news/eu-border-tax-on-co2-offers-huge-opportunity-to-tackle-climate-change
EU border tax on #CO2: huge opportunity to tackle #climatechange if revenue generated supports low- & middle-income countries in transition towards clean industries. New study with PIK scientists Leonie Wenzel, Timothé Beaufils et al. #cbam
Overzicht van de verschillende Europese regels die op 18.04.2023 door het Europees Parlement werden goedgekeurd in het kader van #FitFor55. https://solarmagazine.nl/nieuws-zonne-energie/i34050/europees-parlement-neemt-klimaatwetten-aan-vervuiler-gaat-betalen. #GreenDeal #ETS #CBAM #Klimaatfonds.
#FitFor55 #greendeal #ets #cbam #klimaatfonds
#CBAM edges closer to enactment after decisive European Parliament vote
Who voted for what and when it is coming into force?
Answers by our Brussels trade reporter, Rob Francis👇
French Greens play spoilsport as EU Parliament votes on carbon market reform https://www.euractiv.com/section/emissions-trading-scheme/news/french-greens-playing-spoilsport-ahead-of-carbon-market-extension-vote/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #carbonadjustmentmechanism #cbam #ETS #EUcarbonmarket #France
#carbonadjustmentmechanism #cbam #ets #eucarbonmarket #france
Week Ahead: Polish Hungarian import bans, #CBAM, #deforestation, #WTO fish, #UK
By Rob Francis and Chris Horseman
Our latest edition of week in London is out!
- Consultations on British carbon border levy
- #UK relaunches investment treaty talks with Singapore
By Chris Horseman
This week at the #WTO, Beijing took the lead on trade & climate, calling for the creation of a ‘dedicated’ discussions platform to address the trade implications of environmental trade measures
Chris Horseman covers this & more here: 👇
The EU carbon border levy edges closer to implementation
Rob Francis discusses the new legislation👇
Rising trade tensions between the U.S. and the European Union over incompatible climate policy could undermine the climate initiatives of both governments, and make it harder to stop climate change. But both sides have reason to find common ground, says a group of energy and climate policy analysts. (From @TheConversationUS)
#climatechange #carbontax #cbam
The #UK is planning on following suit by also setting up a carbon border tax regime to offset the risk of trade diversion for carbon-intensive products
By Chris Horseman
#CBAM: Proponents in a relentless push to include export rebates
By Rob Francis
EU #FTAs and sustainability: A 2023 preview
- #FTA prospects for 2023
- Enacting #CBAM, corporate #sustainability due diligence
- View from outside the EU
By Rob Francis
#ftas #fta #cbam #sustainability
In 2023 the green transformation will continue. #CBAM, #CSRD, #CSDD, #EUTaxonomy. Corporates will need to use carbon as a blueprint to adress sustainability in a holistic way e.g. water, biodiversity, circularity and human rights. No time to wait #thereisnoplanetb
#thereisnoplanetb #EUTaxonomy #csdd #CSRD #cbam
Meanwhile the UK is still investing in new metallurgical coal mines 👀
RT @KWitecka@twitter.com
Steel: The agreed #EUETS reform & #CBAM puts a phase-out of coal-based blast furnaces in the 🇪🇺 by 2034 within reach!
For industrialised steelmaking countries, this will become a new important benchmark. A very strong signal to accelerate the global steel transformation. 🧵1/7
RT @BMWK@twitter.com
Historischer Durchbruch für den europäischen #Klimaschutz: Einführung eines #Klimasozialfonds sowie CO2-Grenzausgleichs (#CBAM) und Ausweitung des Europäischen Emissionshandels beschlossen. #FitFor55
#KlimaSchutz #klimasozialfonds #cbam #FitFor55
> zu den busfahrer|innen. wenn zement nicht dekarbonisieren kann, dann brauchen wir vielleicht einfach weniger zement!
m bloss: nur die #cbam-industrien: stahl, alu, dünger, strom, das kann aber noch mehr werden.
es wird keine eu-weite pro-kopf auszahlung geben: die mitglieds >