Twitter has revoked API access for #CheapBotsDoneQuick, killing thousands of creative bots & even making it impossible to login to retrieve source for lost bots.
Luckily I ported my own crappy #CBDQ twitter bot over to Mastodon last week via #CheapBotsTootSweet. The flow of nonsensical #BuffyTheVampireSlayer plots will not be interrupted:
#buffy #cbts #twitterbots #creativebots #bots #buffythevampireslayer #cheapbotstootsweet #cbdq #cheapbotsdonequick
Elon Musk's Twitter 2.0 claims yet another victim, this time a beloved tool for making creative bots.
#bots #CreativeBots #TwitterBots #Twitter #CBDQ #CheapBotsDoneQuick
#bots #creativebots #twitterbots #twitter #cbdq #cheapbotsdonequick
I am no longer running on Twitter; please help me decide what to do with my corresponding Twitter account in this poll: #CBDQ #RIPCBDQ
new known #CBTS behavior difference from #CBDQ: if you're hosting image assets on imgur, please source them as because leaving out that "i." subdomain is causing the backend renderer to choke on a redirect. 🤖🙏
@botwiki @v Also paging @boodoo (who graciously supported me when my and other #cheapbotstootsweet bots were acting up). #botALLY #CBDQ
#cheapbotstootsweet #botally #cbdq
Does anyone know how to debug a bot? Asking for a fellow member.
#bots #cbdq #cheapbotsdonequick #tracery #botally
Has anyone figured out how to migrate #CBDQ bots to Mastodon yet? I'll be disappointed if I lose the one I've been running:
also: breadth-first subdivision allowed me to use normal colour selection instead of black and white in #CBDQ frontend. this does break the #print_img# tag that I use to see the SVG code with the generated image, though.
OK, neuromorpho SVG is working fine, I'll come back to it later and work on image layout, citations, #CBDQ formatting, etc.
I think I've got it?! Need to fix scaling, remove guide boxes, and make sure #CBDQ doesn't choke on the # signs...
not quite there, need to fix draw order so smaller tiles are always drawn later than larger tiles #truchet #tracery #CBDQ
Sim ( ) has just sliiiightly too many game states to fit in a #tracery grammar for #CBDQ/#CBTS,
without adding extra rules for the human player in order to take advantage of isomorphism
Hi .@GalaxyKate, #Tracery (The version on #CBDQ frontend) is Turing-Complete! Here's a TM compiler made with help from #botALLY
anyway, as far as tracery discoveries go, I think at this point it's probably possible to make a universal turing machine grammar and make a #CBDQ/#CMTQ bot that generates a random machine and starting tape, runs it for a modest number of steps, and prints the output