Wonder how hard would it be to just fork https://github.com/panva/jose and replace anything #json and #jwt specific with #cbor
Should be easier than writing it from scratch... right?
For my purposes—building transient objects from #Kotlin data classes—the serialization library is _great_.
I spent a little extra time on it once I had it working and I could reliably _choose_ which format I sent over the wire (between #json, #cbor, and #protobuf) and could have different pieces using different wire formats for prototype and testing purposes—albeit with some limitations because of the way kotlinx serialization works (e.g., varying annotations).
New version of python cbor2 library 5.4.6 released! This is a minor release which fixes a MemoryError exception when decoding Tags on i386 platform. Bug report here: https://github.com/agronholm/cbor2/issues/152
#python #serialization #rfc8949 #cbor
New version of python cbor2 library 5.4.6 released! This is a minor release which fixes a MemoryError exception when decoding Tags on i386 platform. Bug report here: https://github.com/agronholm/cbor2/issues/152
#python #serialization #rfc8949 #cbor
I did a lightning talk back in 2018 at #EuroPython in #edinburgh all about #cbor.
I didn't know this was a thing! It's so cool! (and a little daunting)
#python #pypi #cbor #criticalinfrastructure
New version of python cbor2 library 5.4.5 released! This is a minor release which fixes a potential memory leak in the C backend.
The previous release 5.4.5 has been yanked from PyPI
#python #serialization #rfc8949 #cbor
New version of python cbor2 library 5.4.4 released! This is a minor release which adds Python 3.11 support, makes tagged values usable as has map keys, and other fixes.
Thanks to all who contributed!
#python #serialization #rfc8949 #cbor
And of course they have to make their own wire protocol called #xrpc. 🙃 Using #thrift, #avro, #grpc, or even #CBOR directly was too difficult... Have to make it completely new requiring all new libraries and implementions to get something half started. 😮💨
#xrpc #thrift #avro #grpc #cbor
We haven't done this for some time😊
A geeky-techy poll for y'all🤪
👉🏻 What do you know about CBOR?❓
P.S: Representativeness doesn't come without boost.😱
P.P..S.: I could've put more tags but that would've been too revealing.🙊
RFC 9165: Additional Control Operators for CDDL
Le langage #CDDL est un langage de description de schémas de données, notamment pour le format #CBOR. Ce nouveau #RFC étend CDDL avec de nouveaux opérateurs, permettant entre autres l'addition d'entiers et la concaténation de chaines de caractères.
Here's how we decode CBOR Sensor Data inside #TheThingsNetwork ... With a #CBOR Payload Formatter
Installing our #CBOR Payload Formatter into #TheThingsNetwork
How we decode #CBOR Sensor Data in our Payload Formatter for #TheThingsNetwork