#CBSE Class 10th and 12th results expected to be announced soon. Here's how candidates can check their results
#CBSEresults2023 #CBSENews
https://www.hindustantimes.com/education/board-exams/cbse-board-result-2023-live-updates-class-10th-and-12th-results-direct-link-pass-percentage-scorecard-at-cbsenicin-101683265770583.html #press
#cbse #cbseresults2023 #cbsenews #press
Temendo l '"incertezza" che circonda la gestione di Twitter da parte di Elon Musk, #CBSENews ha annunciato che avrebbe sospeso l'utilizzo del sito di social media.
RT @nypost@twitter.com
CBS News suspends all Twitter activity due to 'uncertainty' under Elon Musk's leadership https://trib.al/sOhqkmm