«Paris-Rambouillet de travers» La PHOTO du Jour du 28 janvier 2023 #LaPhotoDuJour #JournalPhoto http://www.messyasz.fr/FDJ/32179
Avec les copains, on a pris la route de ce premier Classics Challenge de l'année, Paris Rambouillet, pour un petit 150 KM.
Du froid, des crevaisons, et des amis.
#velo #cyclisme #cycling #cyclinglife #cc01 #ClassicsChallenge #EOW #EaglesOnWheels
#eaglesonwheels #eow #classicschallenge #cc01 #cyclinglife #cycling #cyclisme #velo #journalphoto #laphotodujour
I found a used RGT #RC4 for a good price a little while back and noticed it has a 255mm wheelbase, which means it is compatible with #Tamiya #CC01 bodies.
With a few relatively low cost upgrades, it seems pretty good:
• Generic 1.55in steel beadlock wheels with tires
• 15kg metal gear servo
• HSP 18024 gearbox and 20T motor (crappily mounted for now)
• ISDT ESC70 and FSGR3 receiver