In der AxE stehen Aussagen über die #CCBY4 Lizenz (die u.a. #WotC für das #DnD #SRD verwendet), die ich nicht nachvollziehen kann. Insb. zu dem Satz "Wenn aber ein anderes Unternehmen auf dieser Engine aufbaut, sind die Innovationen leider in ihrem Produkt gefangen und werden nicht automatisch an die Spielergemeinschaft weiter lizenziert" bräuchte ich ein Erklärung. Kann mir jemand sagen, was damit gemeint ist? 🧵 3/4
I need a check from someone who's way more versed in IP law and the Creative Commons license than me to tell me if this is accurate and correct. #TTRPG #OGL #ORC #WotC #DnD #OpenDND #CreativeCommons #CC #CCBY4 #IPLaw #ThisIsTooManyHashtags
#thisistoomanyhashtags #iplaw #ccby4 #cc #creativecommons #opendnd #dnd #wotc #orc #ogl #ttrpg
In case you haven't heard, we won with #DnD. They are leaving the #OGL 1.0a in place. But the bigger victory is that all of the 5.1 #SRD is released under #ccby4 which is irrevocable.
Their effort to tighten control backfired so hard that they had to give up control they already had.
Finished up work on a generic set of fantasy adventure skills this weekend. I'm mostly content with the result.
Nothing groundbreaking, but I got tired of reinventing the wheel every time I did a homebrew. So, came up with a list of skills which can be inserted into any typical fantasy game you feel would benefit from an enumerated list.
Still needs review and probably edits, but should have a PDF out later in the week. Will be CC Attribution licensed.
It's Christmas time! For limited time only, something extra that all the creatures have. I wonder what could that be...
#creativecommons #ccby #ccby4 #creatures
It's Christmas time! For limited time only, something extra that all the creatures have. I wonder what could that be...
#creativecommons #ccby #ccby4 #creatures