@ripper I saw the little guy at the Chaos Communication Camp 2019. It's nice to see that it still exists. #cccamp2019
@johlio sendis al mi poŝtkarton dum la #cccamp2019. Dank'al la @ChaosPost ili atingis min en mia oficejo, iom post la kampadejo. Koran dankon!
Is there anyone who has a spare @card10badge for someone who was helping with soldering displays but didn't attend #cccamp2019?
Hej, tole je prejšnji tehno-klistir: Reportaži iz #CCCamp2019 in #ArsElectronica: https://radiostudent.si/dru%C5%BEba/tehno-klistir/reporta%C5%BEi
RT @ChrisU_bckspc@twitter.com
If you can no longer sleep without the familiar sound of Bredenoord: https://youtu.be/vUQ-m_S4es4
#CCCamp19 #CCCamp2019 #Bredenoord
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ChrisU_bckspc/status/1166756861179236358
#cccamp19 #cccamp2019 #bredenoord
RT @dborch@twitter.com
Unser Talk auf #CCCamp2019 Nachdem Kollege @peterglaser@twitter.com ausgefallen war haben wir Talk umgeschmissen, aufs WWW gepfiffen & über Krypto, Wassenaar und dergleichen geredet. Bin nochmal nach Berlin gefahren und habe dafür alte Dokus fotografiert:
10 Tage #cccamp2019, 1/2 Tag Berlin und jetzt Heimaturlaub. Schreibtisch meiner Studienzeit - lange nicht gesehen! :) #writerslife #Autorenleben #amwriting
#cccamp2019 #writerslife #autorenleben #amwriting
RT @serveubln@twitter.com
1 second gorgeous #CCCamp2019 atmosphere.
(full res download: https://serve-u.de/cccamp2019-media)
#cccamp2019 was a great experience. Looking forward attending more ccc events :D
#cccamp2019 was amazing! but recovery from the resulting hyperthermia+dehydration is much less amazing
shoutout to the medics at CERT for stabilizing this very disoriented hacker, sorry I couldn't decide which language to speak
Eben zum ersten mal ein Vortragszelt betreten, mit @jakob #cccamp2019 #locleaks
#CCCamp2019 was very nice—many long hot days for sleeping. Unfortunately the nights were quite cold and noisy. Fortunately, there was a lot of unmarked territory around for me to claim while I was kept awake. 😺
Der Vortrag zum #HambacherForst #hambibleibt auf dem #cccamp #cccamp2019 ist online.
Video hier:
Stream & Download inkl. mehrerer Sprachen möglich!
#cccamp2019 #cccamp #HambiBleibt #HambacherForst
Ist dieser Camp-Staub eigentlich dann unsere Version vom Wacken-Schlamm? #cccamp2019
Zum ersten Mal eine #C3 Postkarte verschickt, bin gespannt ob das klappt! 😃
Good morning #cccamp2019, I am looking for a ride to Berlin today (sat) in the evening. Does anybody know anybody that is driving today and has 2 spare seats in a car and some space for luggage? 🏕️ 🚗 🌃
hey odd question anyone at #cccamp2019 have like a search and rescue helicopter or drone or aerial contraption. I ask for two reasons, not only because of course if any "civilian" crowd had such capabilities it would be this one but also because a speaker who happens to also be a loved one has ridden her bike into the forest. instead of following the bike path.
I just got GPS coordinates. she's not far from zehdenick (20 minute bike ride according to the dastardly google maps)
RT @LaF0rge@twitter.com
... spending stressful long days setting up an LTE network at #cccamp2019 and then nobody uses it. 54 MByte (!) traffic in the last four hours. Seriously? Use more LTE :)
"A mobile phone that respects your freedom"
Sehr gutes (aktuelles) Video vom #cccamp2019 zum Librem 5 und wie hart es ist, ein wirklich freies / offenes Smartphone zu bauen. Hint: Das Librem 5 schafft es leider nicht, aber die Bemühungen sind groß.