Segur que això interessa a força amics i amigues del #fedivers
#cccb #diaorwell #lovink
#fedivers #cccb #diaorwell #lovink
El CCCB, premi Laus Empreses i Entitats #Societat #CCCB
Esbarjo per els infants o #pipican informal?
#allibereuelsparcs #gossos #parcokupat #ciutatvella #cccb
#pipican #allibereuelsparcs #gossos #parcokupat #ciutatvella #cccb
#NgũgĩwaThiongo had privilege to spend time with #Ngũgĩ in Canada in 1990 as I prepared to visit the then Frontline States in Southern Africa, as part of Anti-Apartheid NGO project - When you’re there, don't sleep, just listen, absorb...everything, you can sleep when you're back' - the revolutionary writer from Kenya turns 85 today #HappyBirthday (portrait #CCCB Barcelona)
‘In colonial conquest, language did to the mind what the sword did to the bodies of the colonized’ - Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
#cccb #happybirthday #ngugi #ngugiwathiongo
#psicomastodon: expo #cervellscccb, inesperades troballes a la mateixa llibreria del #cccb de Barcelona: bravo per la selecció!!
#psicomastodon #cervellscccb #cccb
Riechmann, Tafall i Moyano a Barcelona, al #CCCB aquest divendres! Gran programa!#simbioetica #rewilding
El dia d'avui m'ha regalat una agradable sorpresa...
Llibreria del #CCCB, expo sobre el cervell, trobem llibres sobre neurociència... però també -atenció- trobem obres de #Plató i #Freud. Autors fonamentals per entendre el funcionament de la ment humana.
Bravo per qui ha fet la selecció! Avui en dia no és fácil trobar tant bon criteri en un tema com aquest.
While cheered by cult members and fans, "visions" about the future trumpeted by people like Musk are actually pretty limited, lacking imagination and novelty, and presently even practicality.
To see what difference real imagination makes, visit the exhibition "Brain(s)" at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, CCCB, or, conveniently, read the text:
Elektronisches Rezept?
Das Projekt #eRezept soll ja nun lt. BMG ins Tagesgeschäft Einzug halten.
Was erwartet uns?
Im aktuellen #Datengarten geht es um dieses #eHealth-Thema und die Spezifikationen der #Gematik:
#Datenspuren #c3d2 #cccb
#erezept #datengarten #ehealth #gematik #datenspuren #c3d2 #cccb
Màscares de veritat #Expressions #literatura #Activisme #Identitat #Màscares #lladres #premsa #CCCB
#expressions #literatura #activisme #Identitat #màscares #lladres #premsa #cccb
Demonstrated onirically necessarily evenly stated.
#CCCB #ElRaval #CiutatVella #Barcelona #Catalunya #España #Europe.
Image made with a #SamsungS4 #smartphone + the #GNUImageManipulationProgram.
#MultipleExposure #Photomanipulation #StreetPhotography #Urban.
#MastoArt #urban #streetphotography #photomanipulation #multipleexposure #gnuimagemanipulationprogram #smartphone #samsungs4 #europe #españa #catalunya #barcelona #ciutatvella #elraval #cccb
Made with a #LGK10 + the #GNUImageManipulationProgram + #InkwellFilter.
#ElRavalNord #CiutatVella #Barcelona #España #Catalunya #EuropeanUnion #CCCB #StreetPhotography #Urban #Entrance #Quotidian.
Thanks for viewing + Peace!
#lgk10 #gnuimagemanipulationprogram #inkwellfilter #elravalnord #ciutatvella #barcelona #españa #catalunya #europeanunion #cccb #streetphotography #urban #entrance #quotidian
#cccb #elravalnord #ciutatvella #barcelona #cataluña #espanya #fujifilmxt1 #slightlyedited w/ #gnuimagemanipulationprogram #streetphotography #urban #reflections #neighbor #stroll ##shadows #contrasty quotidianafterall #runaflirts #photoobserve #bcn101 !
#cccb #elravalnord #ciutatvella #barcelona #cataluña #espanya #fujifilmxt1 #slightlyedited #gnuimagemanipulationprogram #streetphotography #urban #reflections #neighbor #stroll #shadows #contrasty #runaflirts #photoobserve #bcn101 #aminus3 #instagram